President Obama has made abundantly clear that one of his primary goals in his presidency is to force the United States to be more diverse, less racist, less "zenophobic," and, particularly, less "Islamophobic." A perfect way to do all that is to ramp up immigration from majority-Muslim countries, which by the end of his presidency he will have done to the tune of over 1 million green cards issued to Muslim migrants. 
When Dylan West discovered the Pink Pistols Atlanta chapter on Facebook in early 2015, he knew it was a perfect fit.
Philadelphia police are looking for five men in connection with an assault outside Geno's Steaks on June 11.
Apparently Democrats would rather have no gun control than a sales ban that allows Americans due-process rights.
After Orlando, some are calling for stricter gun laws, or even a repeal of the Second Amendment. But gun rights and liberty are inseparable.
DOJ releases unredacted Orlando jihad transcript after criticism Idaho residents call for justice for 5-year-old girl raped by Muslim migrants: perps remain unpunished
AZ Sheriff: Obama Telegraphing 'Make It To the Border, You're Home Free,' Border 'Likely Avenue of Approach' for Terrorists
In berating GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson for suggesting a loyalty test for Muslims seeking high office, CNN host Jake Tapper maintained that he doesn't know a single observant Muslim-America…
Our government is paying these schools to teach children to be terrorists.
Filthy, ungrateful Muslim scumbags show Islamic supremacy by disrespecting American anthem. An Islamosuremacist sub-animal (yes, they regularly kill even the...
First Lady Michelle Obama asserted men “don’t have to balance anything” in their lives while speaking at the United State of Women Summit on Tuesday.
Dr. Patrick Moore sent me this last week, and after reading it, I agree with him in his initial note to me that This is probably the most important paper I will ever write. Moore looks at the histo…
A federal officer confirmed Monday that the man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas on Saturday had tried to steal an officer's gun to kill the presumptive GOP nominee. Michael Steven Sandford, 19, was charged with an act of violence on restricted grounds in U.S. District Court in Nevada on Monday. The complaint, filed by Special Agent Swierkowski, states Sandford drove to the rally from California last Friday, according to the Associated Press. The suspect had stopped at a Las Vegas gun range for shooting practice before attending the rally at Treasure Island Casino. At the rally, Sandford had walked up to a Las Vegas police officer and said he wanted to get Trump's autograph. Sandford then grabbed the gun, but was immediately subdued by the officer. No shots were fired.
An investigation into official flight records of financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” are once again dragging former President Bill Clinton into the national spotlight.
A man pleads guilty to using Facebook to post abusive comments about retiring Labor senator Nova Peris.
Guest Post by Joe Hoft In 1964, liberal Republicans strongly opposed to Barry Goldwater’s nomination for the presidency launched a ...
Well that escalated quickly.
Senators couldn't muster enough bipartisan support to pass a series of gun control measures Monday, the latest in a long string of failed attempts at enacting tighter curbs on firearms in the United States.
Campaign FEC filings have come out from the Trump campaign and they are NOT good: This is really making some wonder if Trump actually wants to win. Does he seriously believe he doesn?t need a…

US Criminalizing Free Speech?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Is this House Resolution a prelude? Has Attorney General Lynch seen the potential for someone lifting her "mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric"? And what is "anti-Muslim rhetoric" exactly? Criticizing Islam? Debating Mohammed? Discussing whether ISIS is a
Vin Scully Socialism / vin scully/dodgers Broadcasting legend Vin Scully took the chance to opine on the merits of socialism between pitches of a Milwaukee B...
Swing State Polls Show Close Race Between Clinton, Trump

Political Polls on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“#BREAKING General Election: Trump (R) 38% (Tie) Clinton (D) 38% Johnson (L) 10% @MorningConsult A 6 point shift towards Trump in a week”
Under pressure from Republican leaders, the Justice Department on Monday afternoon reversed itself and released a full, uncensored transcript of the Orlando terrorist's 911 call on the night of the massacre, calling the morning’s furor over omissions in the document “an unnecessary distraction.”