Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES It shouldn?t be all that surprising that the GOP is going to hold its ground on guns, but some of the folks who have been boosters of Trump ? say, for example, Jeff Session ? are urging their peers in Congress not to take cues from Trump on the issue. That?s actually what he told the Washington Post. “There’s | Read More
Donald Trump chipped away at Hillary Clinton's lead in the presidential race this week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday, as the candidates clashed over how to respond to the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
On Friday, NBC’s Today skipped any mention of CIA Director John Brennan detailing Obama administration failures in the fight against ISIS while testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee. The morning show ignored the major story despite Thursday’s NBC Nightly News devoting a nearly two-minute segment to the topic.
The Constitution often gets in the way of the Left’s notions about equality, redistribution, and social reconstruction.
The New York Times, citing law enforcement officials, is reporting that the F.B.I. is "increasingly skeptical" of the widely-reported notion that Orlando gunman Omar Mateen was a gay man driven by self-loathing to kill other people like ...
The left has chosen to protect the feelings of Muslims over the lives of gays. Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson...
MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3320/hillary-clintons-corruption-crisis-roger-stone-and-stefan-molyneux Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/...
A heroic New York City firefighter was laid to rest Friday, nearly 15 years after he died responding to the World Trade Center attack on 9/11 and as the country mourns the victims of the latest terror attack on American soil.
Rep. Tom McClintock said he was once denied being able to check onto a flight because he had been inadvertently included on the no-fly list.
Juda Myers of Choices4Life calls her a
The speech that propelled Darryl Glenn to a win at the 2016 CO GOP State Convention and qualified him for the June 28 primary.
"It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons," Yee once said. "I mean that is just so crystal clear."
On Fox News with Bill O'Reilly, House Speaker Paul Ryan made a demonstrably false declaration about his efforts to pause the Somali refugee program.
On Friday, one of my respected colleagues at Salem Radio, KSKY’s Mark Davis, released an op-ed in which he called for all conservatives to jump on the Donald Trump 2016 bandwagon. Davis didn’t back Trump in the primaries; he backed Trump’s arch-rival and the son of JFK’s alleged assassin, Senator Ted Cruz. Now, though, he says we must make the choice between Trump and Hillary…and that means the choice is Trump.
Remy has advice for how to deal with a national tragedy. About 2 minutes Written and performed by Remy. Video and graphics by Austin Bragg. Music tracks by B...
President Obama might want to brush up on his facts before hosting next week's critical summit on "violent extremism." By claiming "99.9% of Muslims" are moderate and reject the radical ...
George W. Bush trying to save GOP Senate with five fundraisers
Overbearing Political correctness keeps Americans who have witnessed suspicious activity from reporting Muslim terrorists to authorities.
A coalition of Republican delegates are mounting a last-ditch effort to block Donald Trump from obtaining the Republican nomination, by pushing for a "conscience clause" that would allow delegates to vote against Trump
A lesbian couple featured in a BuzzFeed video on “gender non-conforming” parenting is trying to force their son to have a “queer” relationship with his gender despite his protests.
Bob Ross teaches you how to paint or draw Muhammad. Paint along with him as you learn some history, and discover the joy of painting! Watch the full show: ht...
Facebook has banned the page of gay magazine Gaystream after they published an article critical of Islam in the wake of the Orlando massacre.