Jo Cox, 41, was attacked after meeting with constituents as Britain prepares to vote on E.U. membership.
According to Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), due process of law is a major obstacle to national security. [feature] Watch: .@Sen_JoeManchin: Due process is what's killing us right now https://t.
The Left, our president included, like to habitually chant that one in four female undergrads will be raped during college.
Marsha Blackburn Backs Trump Plan: 'We Need to Halt The Migration of Syrian Refugees'
'Iraq, crooked as hell. How about bringing baskets of money — millions and millions of dollars — and handing it out?,' Trump said at an evening rally.
On Thursday, President Obama descended on Orlando, Florida to push for gun control while standing on the still-warm bodies of those slain by an open jihadist at Pulse nightclub. Posturing self-righteously, Obama called the jihadist at issue a “lone wolf” and added, “Our politics have conspired to make it as easy as possible for a terrorist – or just a disturbed individual like those in Aurora or Newtown – to buy extraordinarily powerful weapons, and they can do so legally.” He said that “the meaning of liberty” did not require “these repeated tragedies.”

Hillary's Huge Libya Disaster

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

America has given up in Clinton’s wake.
Orlando gunman Omar Mateen tried to buy heavy-duty body armor and bulk ammunition from a Florida gun shop several weeks ago, but a suspicious employee refused to sell him anything ? and even …
Look, it's not going to bring down the caliphate, but it is funny as hell. It's been an incredibly tough week for the LGBT community after the horrific mur
In response to federal overreach, most people tend to focus on three types of actions to stop them: elections, conventions, and lawsuits. While they all have their place in an overall strategy to defend the Constitution, none of them should be the first step forward. That is, if you follow the advice of the "Father of the Constitution." Here’s what James Madison had to say in Federalist #46. The Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared: “Should an unwarrantable measure of the federal government be unpopular in particular States, which would seldom fail to be the case, or even a warrantable measure be so, which may sometimes be the case, the means of opposition to it are powerful and at hand. The disquietude of the people; their repugnance and, perhaps refusal to cooperate with officers of the Union, the frowns of the executive magistracy of the State; the embarrassment created by legislative devices, which would often be added on such occasions, would oppose, in any
The left has chosen to protect the feelings of Muslims over the lives of gays. Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson...
Tensions flare as the party hires a fired Trump aide and uses vendors linked to #NeverTrump, while fundraising flags.
After the attack at Pulse night club in Orlando, Hillary Clinton looked past the obvious enemy – radical Islamic terror – and instead said "weapons of war ha...
Islamic terrorists gathering the tools and know-how to launch cyberstrikes on Western companies and critical infrastructure, a new study warns.
WEBSITE: http://www.mrcolionnoir.com/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/COLIONNOIR?ref=hl INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/colionnoir TWITTER: https://twitte...
Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton harshly criticized three countries for directly funding terrorists who are actively seeking to attack the United States and Western Europe. The governments of this t
In a despicable act of intolerance, a chapel at a Catholic university in Spain was vandalized with pro-abortion messages and splattered fake blood. The pro-life Catholics who occupy the chapel apparently needed to be taught a lesson for their objection to the gruesome act of abortion. 
WASHINGTON (AP) -- CIA Director John Brennan told Congress on Thursday that the Islamic State remains "formidable" and "resilient," is training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks on the West and will rely more on guerrilla-style tactics to compensate for its territorial losses in the Middle East.

Trump threatens to go it alone

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump slammed GOP leaders on Wednesday for not lining up behind him, implying that he's willing to go forward without their help.
Vox writer Dylan Matthews took to Twitter Thursday to say that he's "totally down" with President Barack Obama unilaterally banning Americans from buying guns. This is not Dems' sales pitch but I'm totally down with letting the prez unilaterally ban people (hopefully everyone!) from buying guns— Dylan...
Ted Cruz just gave a fantastic speech on the Senate floor blasting Democrats for trying to restrict the 2nd amendment in response to the ISIS terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida. This is what true…
Nanny Bloomberg must be loving this. Philadelphia just passed what amounts to a soda tax at 1.5 cents per ounce, making it the first in the country to do this: 6ABC – Philadelphia City Counci…
Fascinating developments across the pond in Great Britain as recent polling indicates a majority of British citizens are fully prepared to say NO MORE to the globalist one-government European Union that has decimated their nation’s heritage and economy as a wave of Middle East immigrants continue to negatively impact the once-proud and mighty world power. …