The United West: Gays Must Die Says U.S. Islamic Scholar
The Orlando nightclub shooter was 'unhinged', homophobic, racist, anti-Semitic and a misogynist, claims his former co-worker at G4S Security in Port St. Lucie.
When it comes to all the Clinton scandals, the media seem to have lost their bloodhound instincts.

ISIS and ‘Domestic’ Terrorism

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

There are many threads to the horror in Orlando. Most disturbing is the serial inability of the Obama administration — in this case as after the attacks at Fort Hood and in Boston and San Bernardino — even to name the culprits as radical Islamists. Major Hasan shouts “Allahu akbar!” and Omar Mateen calls 911 in mediis interfectis to boast of his ISIS affiliation — and yet the administration can still not utter the name of the catalyst of their attacks: radical Islam. It is hard to envision any clearer Islamist self-identification, other than name tags and uniforms. The Obama team seems to fear the unwelcome public responses to these repeated terrorist operations rather than seeing them as requisites for changing policies to prevent their recurrence. #ad#On receiving news of the attack, Obama almost immediately called for greater tolerance for the LGBT community — as if American society, rather than jihadism and the cultural homophobia so characteristic of the Middle East, had fueled the attack; or as if Mateen had not phoned in his ISIS affiliation. Obama strained to find vocabulary equivalent to “workplace violence” and was reduced to suggesting that the Orlando club was a nexus for gay solidarity and thus a target of endemic LGBT hatred, a half- but only half-right summation. Why is Obama’s first reaction always to find perceived fault within American society rather than with radical Islamism, an ideology certainly at odds with all progressive notions of gay rights, feminism, and religious tolerance? In Obama’s view, it appears, the problem was a dearth of the community-organizing spirit, not of anti-terrorist measures. And then he channeled the gun-control narrative — forgetting apparently that the Islamist security officer Mateen had passed the requisite background checks to get his guns (Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?), and that the Boston massacre, the beheading in Oklahoma, and the stabbings at UC Merced had nothing to do with firearms, and that the strictest firearms legislation in the world did little to prevent Islamist terrorism in Belgium and France. Obama, both ideologically and temperamentally, apparently is not up to the task of putting the security of American citizens at a higher priority than his preconceived multicultural ideas of Middle Eastern “difference” and his domestic agendas. Or perhaps he believes, as do many, that there is no practicable way to prevent these sorts of radical-Islamist killers from murdering Americans. Banning knives, box-cutters, pressure cookers, ball-bearings, and all guns will not stop the Tsarnaevs and Mateens of the world, although holding accountable authorities who ignore warning signals about radical Islamists might. The issue of immigration, as in the Boston and San Bernardino cases, again comes to the fore. Something has broken down in our once-successful formula of assimilation and integration. Immigrants still insist on seeking out the Great Satan, and yet on occasion — as in the case of the Mateens — they raise a certain type of second-generation young male who ignores the magnanimity of the United States — which is, after all, his native country. These young men see the West as deserving to be attacked rather than to be appreciated as a life raft for their parents. Certainly, Mateen, Hasan, the Tsarnaevs, and Syed Farook did not show much of a sense of gratitude on behalf of their refugee parents. Perhaps they had gleaned the wrong lessons from our own politically correct nonchalance toward those who traffic in jihadism and Islamism in the U.S. without worry over the consequences. Easy entry into the U.S. is now perceived as a given by far too many foreign nationals, as if legality and screening have become socially oppressive. If we do not respect our own immigration laws (and thus ourselves), and the tradition of expecting guests to adhere to our traditions and customs, why should anyone else? One would not need to put a hold on immigration by religious criteria, but it might make sense to suspend for a while entry into the U.S. from Middle Eastern war zones — Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Syria, and Yemen, for example — just as we are not eager to welcome in North Koreans or Iranians without careful background checks. Finally, why do so-called “lone wolf” killers in Europe and the United States channel ISIS propaganda? Ignore for a moment politics, religion, and ideology and focus on human nature and the desire to ally oneself with perceived winners and to distance oneself from their antitheses. The surge in 2007–08 quieted Iraq only when the toll of jihadists in Anbar Province became such that those pondering on the sidelines had second thoughts about allying themselves with the Islamists, and instead kept their distance from the perceived stronger and deadlier tribe. What changed German or Italian public ideas about Hitler and Mussolini between 1939 and 1945 was not education and reflection, but the reality that their ideologies equated to defeat, humiliation, and personal hardship, not resonance with an ascendant creed. The remedy for a Boston, a San Bernardino, or an Orlando has long been to defeat and humiliate ISIS and its jihadist appendages. We never have taken the ISIS “jayvees” seriously, and as with al-Qaeda in the 1990s, the perceived momentum of ISIS brings adherents out of the woodwork. Its successes in Syria and Iraq, its medieval violent propaganda, and its surrogate operations in the West all convey a sense of romance to a certain sort of disaffected second-generation Muslim Westerner. George W. Bush was caricatured for his refrain of “defeating them over there” to prevent them from coming over here, but he did not necessarily mean a series of literal conventional invasions as much as a warning that showing weakness and losing abroad fostered a cult of jihadist chauvinism in the Middle East that would empower wannabe terrorists living within the West. And he was right. The remedy for a Boston, a San Bernardino, or an Orlando has long been to defeat and humiliate ISIS and its jihadist appendages, so that it would be seen as shameful — and lethal — rather than a source of pride to express solidarity with it — something apparently impossible during the tenure of the present commander-in-chief, who has an entirely different set of cultural and social priorities. The president always sets the agenda, and for the last seven years, obsequious government officials and toady bureaucrats — from the Pentagon spokesmen who saw Fort Hood as “workplace violence,” to a NASA chief who declared that one of the agency’s three primary missions was Muslim outreach, to the director of national intelligence who dubbed the Muslim Brotherhood “largely secular,” to the top counterterrorism adviser who praised jihad as a “legitimate tenet of Islam,” to the homeland-security secretary who preferred to describe terrorist attacks as “man-caused disasters” — have made the necessary careerist adjustments. — NRO contributor Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author, most recently, of The Savior Generals.

The Great Gun-Control Distraction

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Something has changed, and it’s not the availability of guns in the United States. Consider the following facts: According to data from the New America Foundation’s International Security Program, from September 12, 2001, until the rise of ISIS in the late spring of 2014, jihadists killed 21 Americans in terror attacks here at home. Only three Americans died during the post-9/11 phase of the Bush administration. #ad#Since ISIS burst on the international scene, the death toll has more than tripled. Jihadists have killed 73 American men and women in just two years. And that number would be much higher if not for the courage and bravery of local police. The list is sobering: From April to June, 2014, Ali Muhammed Brown killed four Americans on a “mission of vengeance” against the United States. On September 25, 2014, Alton Nolen beheaded an Oklahoma woman with a knife. His social media pages were covered with evidence of jihadist leanings and motivations. On May 3, 2015, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi attacked an exhibit of Mohammed images in Garland, Texas. They wounded a security officer, but police killed them before they were able to carry out mass murder. On July 16, 2015, Mohammad Abdulazeez killed five people at two Chattanooga recruiting stations. FBI director James Comey declared that Abdulazeez was “inspired/motivated” by terrorist propaganda. On November 4, 2015, Faisal Mohammed went on an ISIS-inspired stabbing spree — wounding four — before he was killed by campus police. On December 2, 2015, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS then killed 14 people and wounded 21 at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, Calif. On January 8, 2015, Edward Archer pledged himself to ISIS and attempted to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer. The wounded officer chased down and apprehended Archer before he could commit any other acts of violence. On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen pledged himself to ISIS and killed 49 people and wounds 53 at a gay nightclub in Orlando. This death toll at home is augmented by an extraordinary toll overseas — with Paris facing repeated violent attacks, Brussels bombed, a Russian airliner brought down, and ISIS-inspired violence reaching all the way to Australia. Yet if you watched Twitter yesterday, you would have seen entire quarters of the Left react with political fury, actually blaming the NRA for Sunday morning’s massacre and demanding greater gun regulation. In fact, in some quarters, there was far greater rage at gun owners and politicians who protect the Second Amendment than there was at the actual terrorist who slaughtered Americans or the terrorist army that inspired him. It was, quite frankly, stunning. And it misses the point. ISIS is a game-changer, and the idea that gun control will make America safe from jihadists is sheer fantasy. Al-Qaeda’s calling card was the spectacular strike — blowing up embassies, almost sinking an American warship, bringing down the World Trade Center — but once America finally woke up to the danger, we were able to protect ourselves from the elaborate attack. The Paris attacks were conducted in a nation with far tighter gun controls than any state in the United States, and it resulted in more than twice the casualties of Orlando. ISIS, however, has learned the West’s true vulnerability. A free society simply can’t police everyone at once, and a relentless propaganda campaign aimed at radicals worldwide will yield jihadists who are ready to kill with any and all weapons available. The Paris attacks were conducted in a nation with far tighter gun controls than any state in the United States, and it resulted in more than twice the casualties of Orlando. Europe has suffered more than the U.S. in spite of its restrictive legal regime. The virus is spreading. The gun-control debate is nothing more than a destructive distraction. Is there a single viable gun-control proposal of the last decade that would keep a committed jihadist from arming himself? Indeed, the gun-control debate keeps us from focusing on the true danger: a terrorist movement that’s learning how to attack a free society. It keeps us from focusing on the terrorists’ capabilities and motivations. It keeps us from asking the very hard questions about how to defeat a movement that’s based not just in a jihadist army that takes and holds territory but also in an ancient religious idea that has never gone away. Against that backdrop, I can understand the very human temptation to fix one’s attention not on the colossal challenge of jihad but on the seemingly more manageable and more familiar challenge of attacking Republicans. Focusing on jihad means looking Islam in the face. Focusing on jihad means rethinking long-held assumptions about policy, politics, and liberal coalitions. Focusing on jihad means recognizing that many Muslim members of the leftist coalition actually, truly hate the LGBT side of the liberal alliance. And so progressives are left with gun control as a unifying argument. They can’t resolve the irresolvable tension between championing Islam while also championing LGBT rights, so they punt. They lash out at the familiar bogeymen on the right. But terrorists don’t care. NRA or no NRA, they’ll keep trying to kill Americans, and they’ll keep succeeding until we finally wake up and realize that guns aren’t the enemy — jihadists are. — David French is a staff writer at National Review, an attorney (concentrating his practice in constitutional law and the law of armed conflict), and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Pink Pistols, an international LGBT self-defense league, urges the LGBT community to avoid "knee-jerk gun control" efforts.
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Oh boy, all the dots are connecting quickly now?. We suspected this would happen. This is going to make the White House very uncomfortable because it connects the Muslim/Islamist elements of …
Sunday’s tragic and devastating shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando predictably brought out the worst in the left-wing media, who took to Twitter to politicize the events before even a day had passed. Like tragedies before it, the media automatically blamed the NRA, gun-supporting politicians and the GOP. But this time, some liberal media pundits even blamed men in general and Christians for the shooting, despite the fact that the shooter was a radicalized Muslim. Here is a sampling of the kind of rhetoric coming from liberals in the media on Twitter:
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(AP Photo/Keith Srakocic) The horror of Sunday’s terrorist attack in Orlando at a gay nightclub has sent shockwaves throughout the LGBT community and forced many to change their support from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. On Reddit, a gay man who lost a friend in the terror attack at Pulse...
President Obama thinks the Orlando terrorist attack is an acceptable price to pay for American nonintervention in the Middle East.

Black Fathers Matter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Which poses a bigger threat to black communities: Racism? Or the absence of fathers? Drawing on a sea of official data and his own upbringing, talk-show host Larry Elder shows just how important black fathers are in turning boys into responsible and happy men--and how their absence has had a tragic impact on millions of black Americans.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who for months has vowed not to seek re-election this year, indicated in a radio interview Monday that the Orlando terror attack has him re-thinking his future.
As the full scope of Sunday?s terrorist attack in Orlando continues to be revealed, America?s LGBT community finds itself at an ideological crossroads. On one side, a group that has sho…

Black Fathers Matter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Which poses a bigger threat to black communities: Racism? Or the absence of fathers? Drawing on a sea of official data and his own upbringing, talk-show host...

Jihadi's Sad

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

We jihadi's keep killing innocent people.... and the main Stream American Media still keep giving the NRA all of the credit!. Jihadi Sad meme - Cast your vote, share, discuss and browse similar memes
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Omar Mateen called the cops to pledge his fealty to ISIS as he was carrying out his mass murder in Orlando early Sunday. Twelve hours later, the president of the United States declared that “we hav…
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