Paul backed former Air Force Colonel Rob Maness in Louisiana's crowded field.
Unlike the Republican Party, riven apart by the prospective nomination of Donald Trump, the Democratic Party is quickly unifying as Hillary Clinton clinched the nomination on Tuesday night. On Thursday, after Bernie Sanders met with President Obama in the Oval Office, Sanders emerged to proclaim that a Donald Trump presidency would be a "disaster" and that he would "work as hard as I can to make sure that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States."
The demands for an essentially permanent US presence in Afghanistan have become more insistent amidst a growing crisis of the Afghan government.
More hypocrisy… Last week Democrat Hillary Clinton told Univision the US needs to build “a bridge not a wall” with ...
'I will work to push through any rule necessary to deny Trump the nomination...the only way to save the GOP is to have this fight,' said one delegate.
ABC reporter Tom Llamas selectively reported on Donald Trump's response to Hillary Clinton's tweet calling on him to "delete" his Twitter account, shielding ABC's audience from hearing about Clinton'
Canada's highest court has just ruled that some sexual acts between humans and animals are legal.
On Monday a federal judge in Missouri ordered the release of police dashcam footage showing an officer tasering a 17-year-old to the point that he went into cardiac arrest. Click above for the disturbing moment.
The incident happened in September of 2014 when former Independence, Missouri, police officer Timothy Runnels, 32, pulled over Bryce Masters, which an investigation determined was without cause.
When some Americans describe themselves as “socialists,” not all of them have in mind the command economies that laid waste to the former USSR and Eastern Europe, or even the disaster pres
This isn't how politics is supposed to work in the United States.
Could it be possible that an increasing number of voters are tiring of liberals stuffing identity politics down our throats? True or not, we must keep hope alive.
Michael Cutler Moment:Obama’s Tsunami of Illegal Aliens and Deadly Diseases. Michael Cutler (Former Senior INS Special Agent) -------------------------------...
The imam leading the two-day funeral service for famed boxer Muhammad Ali, Imam Zaid Shakir, said that Ali wanted his funeral to be used as a “teaching moment.” Dawud Walid from the Council on American-Islamic Relations echoed, "In a political climate in which Islamophobia is front and center, his funeral will counterpunch the ridiculous notion that being a good Muslim and a good American are at odds."
Wait, the man who brought us Palin, Quayle and Thomas thinks the party is being over-run by a know-nothing? Rich!
Bangladesh police on jihad murderers:
WH Press Secretary Josh Earnest calls the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email a criminal investigation
This is the least surprising, most infuriating news of the day:
The Obama administration believes that at least 12 detainees released from the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have launched attacks against U.S. or allied forces in Afghanistan, killing about a half-dozen Americans, according to current and former U.S. officials.
In March, a senior Pentagon official made a startling admission to lawmakers when he acknowledged that former Guantanamo inmates were responsible for the deaths of Americans overseas.
The official, Paul Lewis, who oversees Guantanamo issues at the Defense Department, provided no details, and the Obama administration has since declined to elaborate publicly on his statement because the intelligence behind it is classified.
It remains stunning the extent to which many on the left and some on the right view Gitmo as some form of human-rights atrocity without meaningfully grappling with the real-world alternatives. When we transfer custody of battlefield detainees to foreign authorities, they’re often housed in revolving-door facilities that release terrorists back into the population with terrifying frequency or in conditions that combine mass-scale jihadist indoctrination with appalling human-rights violations. When we maintain custody ourselves in prisons in Afghanistan or Iraq, the detention lasts only as long as our presence and ultimately means transfer once again to foreign authorities under unsatisfactory terms. Indeed, the lack of an effective detainee policy has hampered American arms since Gitmo essentially stopped accepting new inmates.
So long as our enemies wear civilian clothes, conceal themselves in civilian populations, and commit themselves to an indefinite struggle against American arms, we are going to find ourselves making extraordinarily difficult detainee decisions. But to the anti-war Left, it’s all so easy — unless you can prove cases with evidence similar to that used in civilian courts, we have to let the prisoners go. Never mind that civilian-level investigations are impossible in the vast majority of cases (have you ever tried taking witness statements and dusting for fingerprints in Taliban-held territory?), the imperative has long been to empty the jails, and let detainees go free.
At its heart, the dispute boils down to the nature of the conflict and the combatants. Are Americans engaged in crime-fighting or war-fighting? If it’s the former, then detainee policy would and should look much like what the Left advocates, complete with comprehensive investigations and exacting legal process. But it’s the latter, and in war the unlawful combatant pays a high price for his war crime of fighting disguised as a civilian, and he should consider himself fortunate that America is far more merciful than combatants in wars past. But our mercy should have its limits. If terrorists wish to fight indefinitely, they should realize that their detentions will last just as long as their belligerence — even if they all die in jail.
From AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY How El Niño impacts global temperatures El Niño oscillations in the Pacific Ocean may have amplified global climate fluctuations for hundreds of years at a time …
Let’s begin with a simple proposition: As a matter of law and history, there is not a single “bound” delegate to the Republican National Convention. Not one delegate is required to vote for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or any other individual who “won” votes in the primary process. Each delegate will have to make his or her own choice. They — and they alone — will choose the Republican nominee.
#ad#The paragraph above contradicts much of what you’ve been told about the presidential nominating process, and it even contradicts state law in multiple jurisdictions, but state law does not govern the Republican party. The party governs itself, and according to the rules it has implemented, there is only one convention where the delegates were truly bound: 1976’s, when Gerald Ford fended off a challenge from Ronald Reagan. In every other Republican convention ever held, every delegate has been free to vote their conscience. Let’s break this down, legal step by legal step:
1. State legislatures cannot violate the First Amendment rights of Republican delegates. Throughout the primary, pundits have reminded voters again and again that there exists a patchwork quilt of state laws that “require” delegates to follow the will of the primary voters — sometimes only through one ballot, sometimes through more. These laws are unconstitutional. A state entity cannot mandate the manner in which private citizens govern private organizations.
Indeed, the notion that states can compel members of private associations to vote according to primary results is a fundamentally progressive notion, an expansion of the government into the private sphere. Yet First Amendment guarantees of free speech and freedom of association stand as a bulwark against exactly this kind of government interference.
Indeed, the Supreme Court has already ruled that in a conflict between state law and national-party rules, the national-party rules take precedence. In Cousins v. Wigoda, the High Court decided a dispute between two delegate slates to the 1972 Democratic Convention — one slate (the Cousins slate) was selected according to Illinois state law; the other (the Wigoda slate) was actually seated at the convention. The Court granted review to determine whether Illinois courts were “correct in according primacy to state law over the National Political Party’s rules in the determination of the qualifications and eligibility of delegates to the Party’s National Convention.”
The Court ruled for Wigoda, holding that:
The States themselves have no constitutionally mandated role in the great task of the selection of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates. If the qualifications and eligibility of delegates to National Political Party Conventions were left to state law “each of the fifty states could establish the qualifications of its delegates to the various party conventions without regard to party policy, an obviously intolerable result.” Such a regime could seriously undercut or indeed destroy the effectiveness of the National Party Convention as a concerted enterprise engaged in the vital process of choosing Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates— a process which usually involves coalitions cutting across state lines. [Internal citations omitted.]
Or, to put it in plain English, the Court essentially told the states to mind their own business and let the parties govern themselves.
2. Traditional and current Republican rules and practices allow delegates to vote their consciences. The first and most important RNC Rule to remember is the so-called “Unit Rule” — Rule 38 of the “Rules of the Republican Party.” This rule states, in its entirety:
No delegate or alternate delegate shall be bound by any attempt of any state or Congressional district to impose the unit rule. A “unit rule” prohibited by this section means a rule or law under which a delegation at the national convention casts its entire vote as a unit as determined by a majority vote of the delegation.
In other words, a majority of a delegation cannot cast its vote on behalf of all of the delegation. Delegates can abstain, or they can vote for different candidates. This rule and Rule 37, which mandates individual roll-call voting and permits individual delegates to challenge the count, combine to permit delegates a choice.
Next, Rule 40(d) requires that a candidate for the presidential or vice-presidential nomination receives “a majority of the votes entitled to be cast in the convention.” In other words, they don’t win by receiving a majority of the votes actually cast but rather by receiving a majority entitled to be cast. The nominee has to get at least 1,237 votes to win.
Each delegate will have to make his or her own choice. They — and they alone — will choose the Republican nominee.
At the same time, however, the current rules purport to limit delegate discretion. Rule 16(a)(2) — adopted in 2013 — recognizes state “bindings” and thus compels delegates to vote even against their consciences. The rule states that the secretary of the convention shall record a vote in accordance with the delegate’s obligations under GOP rules, state law, or state-party rules, and if a delegate votes for “any person other than the candidate to whom he or she is bound, such support shall not be recognized.”
Yet this rule was not in force in the 2012 convention, it conflicts with the principle of individual delegate choice outlined in Rule 37, and, as Curly Haugland and Sean Parnell argue in their new book, Unbound: the Conscience of the Republican Delegate, it “will expire upon the start of the 2016 convention and will not be part of the standing rules of that convention.”
Which is to say that Rule 16 would have to adopted by a vote of the RNC Rules Committee in Cleveland before it even applied to this year’s delegates. Yet even if that happened, an abstaining or dissenting delegate could not be counted as supporting any other candidate for president. And this brings us to the final point . . .
3. If the Republican party wishes to bind delegates to Trump, it will have to change the rules to do so. It is inarguably true that each convention sets its own rules. It’s also true that past practice and longstanding party principles have exerted strong influence on the process. If the party wishes to truly bind delegates — and to void the conscience protections in Rules 37 and 38 — it will have to pass something similar to the “Justice Amendment” rammed through by Ford supporters in 1976, an act binding delegates that the 1980 convention promptly repealed. If the RNC follows the dominant historical precedent, delegates will be able to vote their consciences.
#related#None of this means that Trump is in any imminent danger of a delegate revolt. But it does mean that delegates do not go to the convention with their hands tied. They will be choosing to vote for Trump. Some will make that choice out of conviction, some out of a belief that they should act as the instrument of the voters, and some out of raw fear. But they will all be making a choice.
If Donald Trump does emerge as the nominee of the Republican party, it will not be because anyone forced him on the GOP. It will be because every level of the GOP made a decision that he should represent its principles and values in 2016. No one can hide, and no one can run for cover. The party will decide.
— David French is an attorney, and a staff writer at National Review.
Political movements can be rebuilt. Once a reputation is destroyed it’s gone forever.
The cable networks ran a full-court press in covering President Obama’s endorsement on Thursday afternoon of Hillary Clinton with MSNBC giving Brian Williams the keys to the network for a few hours and, in the first 10 minutes, he seemed to blame talk radio for not reminding voters of Donald Trump’s birtherim enough that was, in his words, an “original sin.”
If you thought Tiger Woods was done objectifying and causing distress to women, well, according to USA Today’s Christine Brennan, you couldn’t be more mistaken.
There?s nothing poultry about billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates? bank balance. So you?d be forgiven for thinking it?s fowl play for him to be dishing out financial ad…
When racist progressives in the early 1900s pushed for the minimum wage, they understood its impact: keeping blacks and immigrants out of the workforce by making it illegal for them to out-compete …
“Vine sensation Baked Alaska has decided to release an anthem the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.”