The government is now cracking down on those little things in life that make it not so bad.
Mac Miller's #BestDayEver 5th Anniversary Remastered Edition is out now! http://bestdayeveralbum.com Get the ultimate #BestDayEver bundle including the LP, s...
Buckley apparently was perturbed that Schlesinger didn't want to appear on Firing Line.
Vermont was an independent republic from 1777 to 1791, and despite signing the Constitution, Vermont reserved its right to leave the union. For its part, the Declaration of Independence clearly recognizes the right to form a new government when “it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.” Most constitutional scholars interpret the 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868 in the wake of the Civil War, as prohibiting secession. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Most constitutional scholars interpret this citizenship clause as asserting that each citizen’s allegiance is first and foremost to the federal government, and a state may not interfere with that allegiance by seceding. The goal of the movement is to entice people to move to New Hampshire and to form a critical mass that would change local laws to allow for greater personal liberty. The best-case scenario would position them to change local laws such as those concerning the legality of marijuana. At the high point of its polling, only 13 percent of residents supported the Second Vermont Republic’s aim of secession, but a strong majority support the democratic socialist ideals of the movement as embodied in Senator Sanders. To make the secession a reality, the Second Vermont Republic should take a page from the Free State Project’s playbook by inviting people to move to Vermont.
By Theodore Shoebat Christians wanting to pray in the church of St. Anthony in Italy were told that they cannot pray loudly, that they must pray in silence so as not to offend the Muslims li…
At least three people were killed in a shooting in central Tel Aviv Wednesday that police are describing as an attack against Israelis.
Establishment tries to control Trump through VP pick
PRAIRIE DU SAC (WKOW) -- Just days after Donald Trump questioned whether a federal judge could fairly preside over the lawsuit filed against Trump University due to his Mexican heritage, Gov. Scott...
Exactly a month ago, Uber and Lyft paused operations in Austin after voters defeated Proposition 1, an attempt to overturn mandatory fingerprint-based..
"If my father were anything like Donald Trump, Nancy never would have married him, let alone vote for him."
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Rumors are starting to float around that Scott Walker is open to accepting the nomination at the convention, if the wheels continue to come off the Trump train and the rules are changed to unbind the delegate. Obviously, we are a long, long way from that scenario becoming reality, but the horror people are feeling about Trump’s worsening behavior | Read More »
Donald Trump?s sudden damage control over his racist remarks amounts to complete and utter bulls**t. He released a statement where he now raises the specter of the judge being appointed by Ba…
Social media analysis company Impact Social looked at over 73,000 social media posts (including forums and comments on open news sites) over the past week, revealing in the first instance that the sentiment around immigration is overwhelmingly against
Every Friday night comedian Bill Maher puts on a show with an interesting mix of guests. But this past Friday, Maher repeated a claim he often makes that was finally smacked down by Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Namely, Maher said that conservatives are consistently more anti-science than liberals. That’s bullshit.
A massive fire at Düsseldorf’s major international trade fair grounds yesterday has been followed by reports that the blaze was set deliberately by migrants who were angry because of Ramadan.
Rewind to Troopergate. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s alleged mistreatment of state employees, especially their own security details, may have been foreshadowed by accusations that Bill Clinton misused Arkansas state troopers while he was governor of that state from 1979-1981 and 1983-1992 and even after he was elected president.
CNN used some very noticeable video editing to transfigure Hillary Clinton on Wednesday's New Day. Correspondent Jeff Zeleny ran footage from the Democratic presidential candidate's victory speech on Tuesday night that transformed Mrs. Clinton into a glowing figure. He hyped how Mrs. Clinton was "savoring a triumph in her long Democratic primary fight — exactly eight years after extinguishing her first trailblazing campaign."
Hillary Clinton’s base of support appears to have hit its high watermark eight years ago. The election results from the California and New Jersey primaries are just the latest examples of the contraction of enthusiasm her campaign seems to be experiencing. With 94.4% of precincts reporting, Clinton won 1,841,285 votes in California on Tuesday, compared …
This week, Koozie is on vacation, so the guys try to make it through an episode on their own. We talk Miss USA, riots outside a Trump rally, Game of Thrones, NBA Finals, Sand Volleyball, and we close
A student at North Carolina State University was hounded by his school’s Greek life organizations for posting conservative-leaning content on his social media accounts, but ultimately dodged impeachment after agreeing to undergo a variety of university-sanctioned punishments.