
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Great evening in San Jose other than the thugs. My supporters are far tougher if they want to be, but fortunately they are not hostile.”
Triggered by Trump 2016 signs and rallies? We the Internet's Lou Perez has a few helpful tips to help you cope. Also Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h...
CNN's Jake Tapper slammed the State Department for intentionally editing a press briefing video.
A Pakistani father of 35 is now searching for a fourth wife as he romps towards his goal of 100 children, a dubious ambition in the conservative Muslim country where polygamy is rare but still practiced. Sardar Jan Mohammad Khilji, 46, says he believes it is his religious duty to have as many children
A Christian woman trading in plastics at Kofar Wambai Market in Kano was yesterday beheaded by irate youths for allegedly blaspheming Prophet Mohammed. The woman of Igbo extraction was killed at about
Ryan told WISN's "Up Front with Vicki McKenna" on Friday that the comment was "out of left field."
My take on what happened in San Jose on Thursday. I don't care who anyone supports it's never right to throw eggs and attack someone simply being a Trump sup...
Corruption: Hillary Clinton and her supporters have steadfastly maintained that her private email server posed no threat to U.S. security. But that?s not true, as the recent inspector general…
Vox deputy editor Emmett Rensin was suspended by the media site Friday for encouraging people to riot at Donald Trump rallies.
Nicholas Kristof is right: Academia would benefit from a shot of ideological diversity. Universities should hire conservative professors.
The U.S. economy created the fewest number of jobs in more than five years in May.

Europe - The Brexit Countdown

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Can't decide how to vote in the EU referendum on June 23rd? Well neither can this guy. Subscribe here for more videos https://goo.gl/4j0ZQ4
On Thursday night, leftist protesters at a Donald Trump rally in San Jose, California, chased down Donald Trump supporters and beat them bloody, spit in their faces, pelted a female Trump supporter with eggs, hurled rocks at police horses, and broke down metal barriers – all while burning American flags and screaming slogans like “America Was Never Great!” and “Make America Mexico Again!”
Donald J. Trump shows contempt for the First Amendment, separation of powers and the rule of law, scholars across the political spectrum say.
Politico Highlights Fan Art of Bernie Sanders Punching 'Hitler' Trump as Trump Supporters Mobbed, Attacked
The statistics show an inordinate amount of violence and crime associated with Muslim populations.
When she ran six years ago, Ellmers joined the bus tour hosted by the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity that traveled the country railing against Obamacare. Now, AFP and other conservative groups are trying to oust her on Tuesday.
Take note, European pussies. :DDD our kebab removal battalions will land on your shores shortly if you don't. :^)
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES I am sorry, but there is nothing else to call this. The Wall Street Journal ($) has just released an interview with Donald Trump in which Trump explains his repeated and continued attacks on Gonzalo Curiel, the judge assigned to the Trump University case. Curiel’s decision to release records related to the case in response to a public interest | Read More »
To counter vicious leftist anti-Trump protests on Thursday night, CNN’s Don Lemon brought on liberals who made excuses for it or blamed Trump. Democrat pundit Bob Beckel blamed Trump: “It reflects badly on people who are against Trump but you'll get that kind of thing when you get inflammatory statements like Trump makes and you're going to find people in any group of protesters, you're going to have a percentage of people who are just very angry and out of control.” Trump backer Kayleigh McEnany was on hand to disagree, but CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin protested “Let’s not get carried away” in denouncing the protests, so what if one guy got his hat knocked off? “One person getting hurt is unacceptable, but it's one person.”
Leaders who should know better have fallen in line behind him.
The most transparent administration ever, right?
The strategist for George W. Bush’s presidential elections and influential Republican fund-raiser had referred to Mr. Trump as “graceless and divisive.”
Sheila Gunn Reid reports that new Freedom of Information documents reveal the Leonardo DiCaprio movie, The Revenant, received a $5 million grant from the Alb...
A local official reportedly told firefighters in Rhode Island that they should not fly the American flag from their trucks.