"This gave me the chills!"
Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson won the Libertarian nomination for president.
?I don’t understand why this is such a big deal,” Chappaqua resident Joanna Fisher says of the revelation that Bill Clinton’s nonprofit foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, pledged $2 m…
In this second episode, David Angelo compares the taxes on gasoline with the profit made by oil companies. Another instant classic! Follow the show on Twitte...
(LANGUAGE WARNING:) If you're a Donald Trump supporter like Gavin McInnes, it can be hard dealing with anti-Trump fanatics. He presents great talking points ...
Around 5000 Muslims marched in the town of Nelson, Lancashire in England in the annual celebration of the Holy Prophet Muhammad's Birthday. Around 50% of the...
A day in the life of Reince Priebus, reluctant GOP peacemaker.
A Kentucky man was arrested after driving a car through a Memorial Day display and damaging 160 crosses Saturday.
When I called for my fellow progressives to welcome conservative academics on campus, readers were in agreement that I was dead wrong.
While the State Department’s own internal probe found former Secretary Hillary Clinton violated federal recordkeeping laws, it’s not the first time she and her top aides shielded her e-mail from pu…
The ruling, in response to a Washington Post request, is a setback for the presumptive GOP presidential nominee.
Mixing politics and investing is a horrible idea. What do you do if the person in charge of your hard- earned money is a rabid partisan? According to The Inv
Donald Trump’s best ally in winning over skeptical Republicans is turning out to be Hillary Clinton.
Ted Nugent about muslims and pigs - Jihad Watch Europe
Ugly feminist bitches about marriage. Smackdown ensues. Pretty self explanatory. Yet another feminist finds something to complain about. This time marriage. ...
Did the United States win or lose the Vietnam War? We are taught that it was a resounding loss for America, one that proves that intervening in the affairs o...
This University of Kansas teacher is just another victim of the wave of political correctness.
A temporary position to be abolished come January 2017. Via Washington Examiner: President Obama is establishing a new position to coordinate outreach to the Muslim-American community, picking a former president of the Muslim Youth of North America to run it. "A big part of this role is making sure the national conversation about these communities…
The man was attacked in the evening as he returned to his asylum seeker home in Berlin, Germany wearing the T-shirt which he had just bought.
Once in a while, you hear an old war story that restores your faith in humanity. Usually it involves a moment of quiet in the midst of chaos; some singing or the sharing of a few condiments. But how many of them take place in mid air?
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump continues to contrast his positions on guns with Hillary Clinton's positions.
"Each and every delegate has complete freedom to vote their conscience at the convention..."
Across Washington, stalwarts of the GOP foreign-policy establishment find themselves suddenly adrift. Could they really vote for—gulp—Hillary?
Telemundo Journalist Caught on Video Staging Anti-Trump Protesters