Only one person declined to sign the petition.By Cabot Phillips | Campus ReformIn recent weeks, the issue of transgender rights has been brought to the forefront around the country.Last week,
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen will not appear at a Tuesday impeachment hearing examining allegations of his misconduct despite an invitation to testify from the House Judiciary Committee.
As reported by Politico, the IRS says the Commissioner Koskinen does not have time to “fully prepare” because he just returned from China.
Other complaints included insults and a 'conspiracy' to prevent bathroom use.
During a recent C-SPAN broadcast with an attorney representing conservative organizations seeking tax-exempt status, a man claiming to be an IRS employee phoned in to say he would definitely do whatever he could to "go after and target" these types of groups.
The attorney, Cleta Mitchell, has been representing several conservative groups who've been accusing the IRS of targeting them politically. A man who identified himself as Bill called in from Elizabeth, New Jersey and said to her:
Paul Joseph Watson joins Steven Crowder to laugh at the latest social justice warrior insanity, including the Blake Lively butt controversy, violent Bernie S...
By Patrick J. Buchanan
If China begins to reclaim and militarize Scarborough Shoal, says Philippines President Benigno S. Aquino III, America must fight.
Should we back down, says Aquino, the United States will lose "its moral ascendancy, and also the confidence of one of its allies."
And what is Scarborough Shoal?
A cluster of rocks and reefs, 123 miles west of Subic Bay, that sits astride the passageway out of the South China Sea into the Pacific, and is well within Manila's 200-mile exclusive economic zone.
Beijing and Manila both claim Scarborough Shoal.Read more on Buchanan.Org...
A 66-year-old bespectacled Chinese woman may not be most people's idea of an ivory smuggling kingpin, but that's exactly what Tanzanian investigators say Yang Fenglan is.
In one of the dumbest things any candidate for any office has ever said, Hillary Clinton told CNN's Chris Cuomo that the primaries are basically over. "I will be the nominee for my party, Chris. That is already done, in effect. There is no way that I won't be."
Other than soothing her own anxieties by anticipating victory, her statement is nothing but counterproductive.
It tells her own voters not to bother to turn out and vote. She has, after all, already won she says.
He won’t be there, the IRS says, because he was not given enough notice of the hearing, which was scheduled a little over a week ago.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Vietnam veteran Roberto Gonzalez's final wish was granted Saturday when he was reunited with his beloved horses -- Ringo and Sugar -- outside of a Texas VA hospital.
The last four days, ending on Sunday evening, saw a terrible bloodletting in the city of Chicago--53 shootings and four deaths.
Target's Transgender Bathroom Disaster Is Huge Opportunity For Rivals, Say Brand Experts - Breitbart
Target's Transgender Bathroom Disaster Is Huge Opportunity For Rivals, Say Brand Experts
Saudi press is continuing to unleash fury over the U.S. Senate's vote on a bill allowing the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia.
Facebook employees weren’t directed to squelch conservative news on the site’s Trending Topics, nor would that be easily accomplished by a staff member who wished to do so.
"In one fell swoop..."
The choir at East Liverpool High School in East Liverpool, Ohio, had a long tradition of singing the Lord's Prayer during graduation ceremonies — a 70-year practice that school officials recently halted after demands from an atheist activist group. But students apparently weren't willing to bow down to...
Hillary’s enablers on the right WT [StephenMoore] : Is there anything more laughable than all the former members of the George W. Bush brain trust torching conservatives for getting behind Donald T…
Trump Campaign Features Bill Clinton Rape Accuser Juanita Broaddrick In New Anti-Hillary Ad
Dead Socialist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez was praised throughout his life by many figures in academia, journalism and Hollywood despite his brutal regime. This praise included Salon writer Da
Portland, Oregon’s public school board has voted to ban certain books from the classroom for one simple reason: the books express doubt about the veracity of climate change. Any book that has the temerity to doubt climate change or posit that if it does exist, it is not the result of man must be excised from the city’s classrooms.
'One generation cannot bind another generation to perpetual war'
Only a living, breathing Hindenburg disaster like Hillary Clinton could make a 74-year-old socialist like Bernie Sanders seem like a fresh and charismatic new face.