
The most important criticism to be made of the welfare state is that it protects people from the consequences of their bad choices and therefore fosters and encourages those very choices, which gen…


Pro-Gay Group Warns 'Significant Risks' in Transgender Medical Treatments for Children


A group of Republican Oklahoma lawmakers introduced a resolution Thursday urging the state’s congressional delegation to start an effort to impeach President Obama over the White House’s directive to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their gender identity.


"This sucks. Will no one stand up for themselves?"


Our Vancouver team caught an oil industry worker at the Kinder Morgan protest. You won't want to miss what he has to say to the professional protesters who a...


At least some Dartmouth College students have had enough. In a scathing petition on change.org, five leaders in Dartmouth’s student government, joined by more than 1,200 signatories, have called on the administration to return the college to its mission of educating, rather than policing, students. Although the growth of bureaucracy in academia is no secret, it is always sobering to confront the statistics. According to the well-cited petition, non-faculty staff at Dartmouth grew by more than 1,000 people from 1999 to 2004, and in spite of faculty layoffs, that number had increased to 3,497 by 2015. And most administrative staff ?


“What the hell was the point of the Facebook Meeting if our fellow conservatives are still getting censored!”


South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy announced Friday evening he would back Donald Trump as the Republican Party's nominee for president, but the show of support did not come easily for the House Benghazi Committee chairman.
Gowdy, who previously had endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, told MSNBC host Chuck Todd he would support the presumptive nominee. But the Meet the Press Daily moderator asked if he was ready to wholeheartedly endorse the New York businessman.
I'm not sure what the difference is, but if it makes you feel better, I'm happy to say, 'I endorse Donald Trump,' Gowdy said. I was a Rubio guy and if Marco had won, I would have expected Cruz supporters and the Kasich supporters and the Trump supporters to support my guy. So my guy lost and when the jury speaks, I'm going to respect the jury. I'm going to support the Republican nominee who is very likely to be Donald Trump.


Child Porn Fantasy Not a Crime, Says Former Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle


Erick Erickson: 'I Think the Time Has Come for Mitt Romney'--Politico


A large group of Polish-American protesters descended on a Hillary Clinton rally in her hometown of Park Ridge, Illinois


Two major rock fests in France gave the band the boot, months after their frontman suggested Bataclan security personnel were complicit in the Paris terror attacks.


When it comes to the Constitution, we can have our cake and eat it too. We just have to do something that’s only happened once since the 70s. I recently discussed the concept of Originalism in my piece on the late Justice Scalia. It’s flawed and impossible to purely apply, but it’s the ideal. In …


The conservative movement has some work to do. Now is the time to stand firm.


Knocking down the 'money is not speech' argument


While we are preoccupied with the tacky reality show of Election 2016, there are other things happening away from the spotlight that could have a


Why is the leftist media lecturing whites to be ashamed of their skin color, while telling us to be proud of pedophiles? Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/...


George Clooney is a total prick and a massive hypocrite. F**k George Clooney. Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson ...


Southern California mom-of-two Jennifer Brawley had just been rear-ended by a truck driver near Rancho Cucamonga, and was preparing for the post-accident ritual of exchanging insurance information when the driver handed her his cellphone.


UK officials are considering whether to copy a Dutch prison that separates terrorist offenders from other prisoners, as Chris Vallance reports.


Rand tells Bernie why you only have negative rights and that positive rights require enslavement of others.