

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

This time round, we look at race denialism. The notion that race doesn't biologically exist and to believe the contrary is hate speech. Source Video: https:/...
Draft has rebranded the "affirmative consent" standard previously criticized as "communicated willingness."
The Obama administration will issue guidance on Friday directing schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity.

Kremlin Has Hillary’s Emails

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Kremlin is considering whether or not to release some 20,000 hacked Clinton emails reportedly in its possession. Russian security services apparently obtained the emails as part of their investigation into the Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazar, known as ?Guccifer? — now in U.S. custody in relation to the Clinton email scandal. ?Guccifer? hacked into the former secretary of state?s email. ?For me, it was easy.?  ?There?s a debate going on in the Kremlin between the Foreign Ministry and the Intelligence Services about whether they should release the 20,000 of Mrs. Clinton?s emails that they have hacked into,? Judge Andrew Napolitano told Megyn Kelly on Monday. The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) began monitoring Lazar after a failed attempt in 2011 to hack into RT, a news service funded by the Russian government. While it hasn?t been confirmed publicly by its government that Russia is in possession of the emails, there is ample evidence which suggests the Russians do indeed
A popular knock on voters who support Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders because they have been “left behind” by free trade, globalization and technological progress is that they want a handout from Un…
Our society does not accept sexual violence in any form. Rejection of the myth of rape culture is not an insult to women who are sexually abused.
Social Justice: The Musical Part III is a go! Free Download - Support if you can https://chrisraygun.bandcamp.com/track/aint-no-rest-for-the-triggered Artwor...
U.S exports to the three countries also would fall by about 78 percent as a result of the damage done by Trump’s tariffs to companies in China, Japan and Mexico that buy American goods, the report said.
Speaker Paul Ryan spoke with reporters after his first meeting with Donald Trump on Thursday morning. Paul Ryan told reporters ...
He's still got a ground game.
Once again controversial conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos is facing resistance over another one of his speeches on a college campus. Yiannopoulos' no-holds-barred takedowns of left-wing ideals such as feminism, safe spaces and trigger warnings have been criticized as everything from "white supremacy" to hateful rhetoric, but an...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Bypassing the people, and the states, and the courts, President Obama is once again exercising executive authority to enforce his will and a leftist vision on America. Not under threat of law, but threat of cut funding. The New York Times reports tonight that the President will issue a “decree” ordering all public schools in the country to allow | Read More »
A new Pew poll shows that Trump supporters are the true conservatives of the Republican party. Trump supporters want a ...
Placing women in special operations and direct combat units has now become a reality.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may argue that he’s a conservative, but his latest appointee comes from the ranks of former Soros employees. While that move might be a sticking point on the right, ABC, CBS and NBC have censored all information about Trump’s appointee.
See this Instagram video by @realdonaldtrump • 43.9k likes
A new kind of fascism has taken over America: the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. With the emergence of ever-larger ...
Just three years after Elon Musk described his sci-fi-esque vision for “hyperloop? travel, one of two competing companies, Hyperloop One, successfully conducted its first proof-of-concept tes…

Is Islam Different?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Asking the hard truths about what Islam consists of and why it is different. Please subscribe if you want me to make more of these vids! See you guys next time!
Target CEO Defends Pro-Transgender Policy, Stocks Crash Down Another $2 Billion
Insurers are being asked to consider LGBT owned companies and others when spending.
The Florida neighborhood watchman who fatally shot unarmed teen Trayvon Martin in 2012 hopes to fetch at least $5,000.

Do Women Really Want Equality?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Do women really want equality? It’s a question I think every one of us needs to ask ourselves. Because frankly I don’t t…
Chelsea Handler vows her new Netflix talk show will be different than the competition. So why did the debut hammer Trump and George W. Bush?