AN Afghan migrant has been arrested by police after allegedly sexually assaulting a six-year-old boy in a changing room at a sports hall.
Future President Clinton may well impose new restrictions on guns. Getting Americans to obey them will be a tougher trick.
Paul Ryan Says U.S. Must Admit Muslim Migrants, Sends Kids to Private School that Screens Them Out
In California, Donald Trump has selected William Johnson as a delegate for the state. Johnson submitted his name and signed a pledge of loyalty to Trump?s campaign. There?s just one pro…
NEW YORK – Supporters of Hillary Clinton who attempt to deflect Donald Trump’s criticism in the ongoing “war on women” debate by insisting she is not to blame for her husband?s serial infidelity and alleged abuse miss the point, contend the authors of two recent books that present evidence of her role as an ?enabler.? [?]
As an 18-year-old conservative activist and lifelong Republican, I refuse to stand with the RNC and their nominee Donald Trump.
Why it's high time we define micro-treasons -- and take action against them.
New York may be the city that never sleeps – but lately, that’s just because all the sane people are being kept up at night by the latest nut-house proposal from the cultural left. Earlier this year, the New York City Commission For Human Rights announced that “employers, landlords, business owners, and the general public” could be fined up to $250,000 for “misgendering” transgender people. In other words, the Commission explains, “intentional or repeated refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title” can result in such a fine.
Health Reform: For decades the left has been pushing “single payer” health care without ever coming clean about how much it would cost. Now, thanks to Bernie Sanders, we have our answer. And the pr…
An FBI partner group called me one. Now -- every time, dozens of times -- I trigger a 20-minute investigation at the airport.
A teacher in Austria will be charged for telling students Mohammed, founder of Islam, was a child molester.
Martha Orta Rodriguez wants any Mexican citizen who creates or disseminates internet memes to be arrested and slapped with a US$2000 penalty.
Hillary Clinton and her allies have been throwing out the race card when it comes to Donald Trump and his supporters, a move Sheriff David Clarke bills as
Bernie Sanders had a terrific night, winning primaries and generally making it look like he has a chance to win. The weird news is what some exit polling data is suggesting... and by weird, I mean awesome.
Just when I thought Kayleigh McEnany was a one trick - you're not a conservative if you don't vote Trump - pony.
Almost two thirds of the German electorate are disappointed with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policies and would not support her candidacy for top office in elections that are due to take place next year, a recent poll has shown.
The fact that presidential candidate Sen. Bernard Sanders, a Democratic socialist, can surge in popularity among U.S. college students shows that the education system has failed them greatly, not only in history, government and economics, but also in “basic morality,” according to University of Oklahoma professor David Deming.
Guest essay by Eric Worrall Professor Ghassan Hage, of the University of Melbourne, apparently presented a lecture today at MIT, which explored the links between Islamophobia and Global Warming. Ac…
A regular reminder to never publicly finance pro sports teams' real estate.
“Let no one be mistaken, Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised, and discarded,” former Texas Gov. Rick Perry declared ten months ago. Trump’s candidacy, Perry added, represents “a toxic mix of demagoguery and mean-spiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued.”
Three of Obama’s speech writers recently appeared on the Charlie Rose show and actually laughed when they talked about the ...
Obama: Crime Created by 'System,' Successful People 'Just Lucky,' 'Wasn't Nothin' You Did'
Police in Manchester, England, have apologized for a counter-terror training drill in which a fake suicide bomber shouted "Allahu Akbar."
UK police arrested a man for making a joke YouTube video about his girlfriend's pet dog being a Nazi. Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FO...