Here is the audio of Mrs. Cruz comments in Indiana Saturday.
Bill Clinton was heckled and booed on Sunday during a campaign event in Logan, West Virginia, where the town's mayor recently informed Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin that the former first couple are "sim
Lawmaker says FBI could spend time considering Clinton Foundation corruption claims.
There have been rumors and accusations flying around that Trump was somehow involved with his billionaire buddy’s Jeffrey Epstein’s “orgy island” where underage girls were f…
Bobby Knight should probably stick with basketball after this embarrassing and shameful gaffe.
Ever since Trump threw his hat into the presidential ring he has been able to monopolize media attention at will. With one outrageous comment after another he pulls the spotlight back to himself, dominating headlines and getting more than 30 percent more media coverage than all the other candidates. Call him a masterful politician, a marketing genius, a reality show star, a narcissist, a demagogue or a huckster. He is all those. What he is not, however, is a self-made, successful, businessman. Continue reading
Hillary Aide Huma Abedin Says She Is "Good Friends" With Donald Trump's Daughter
Even though he only has 153 delegates
When we first shared The Trump Files, we pulled together strong investigative journalism revealing both Donald Trump’s path to power — a route cleared by his father’s fortune and political connections — and his blemished record as a businessman. We also asked readers to send us additional articles that had been overshadowed by the latest campaign antics, and you did. This week, we pull back the curtains a bit further, revealing more of Trump's history of public and private prejudice, of outsourcing to low-wage countries and of profiting from business ventures while leaving partners, shareholders and customers devastated. Continue reading
God Bless Donald Trump!

Hillary's Cribs Shock Young People

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Read the story here: http://crfrm.us/4naI7V ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Campu...
The CNN panel this morning showed how Trump would lose to Hillary with his unfavorable rating among women. Watch below: Trump’s sycophants say he’ll pivot and become more friendly to wo…
Guevara was a ruthless killer turned into a leftist hero.

LMR on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Same ppl who've been screaming "CRUZ CAN'T WIN!1!1!!" never, Ever, EVER address what's a v glaring problem here:”

Image hosted on sli.mg

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

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Despite winning primaries, Donald Trump continues to lag in the delegate chase

Nate Silver on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Not in her wildest dreams did Hillary think GOP would pick a candidate who is both so unpopular and so devastating to conservative movement.”
A peek into the botnet
Beloved President Jimmy Carter’s political opinions are taken very seriously by both sides of the fight.
Hillary Clinton on Friday brushed off Donald Trump's sometimes personal attacks against her as him being "off the reservation" -- something she said she has experience with.

Voting For Free Soup

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

So, I hear Donald Trump is now promising free college.  Don?t bother explaining that that wasn?t really what he said, or why it is the best idea possible.  I?m not interested in t…

Fiorina drops like Cruz polls

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, has a message for his Republican friends and colleagues: "Distance yourself as much as you can from Donald Trump becau...

Gradually then all of a sudden

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The slow creeping arrival of crisis
We have been completely and utterly shocked with how unbelievably insane the Fox News supposedly conservative channel has gone over the toupee’d totalitarian. And it looks like we’re no…