
Living in an Immigration Wonderland

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Sometimes when I see the things supposedly responsible members of the various branches of our government say or do, I don't just wonder if we live in the same country, I wonder if we share the same pl
A Russian special forces officer has been killed near Syria's Palmyra, a military representative at the Russian base in Syria was quoted as saying by Russian agencies Thursday. "An officer of Russian special operations forces was killed near Palmyra while carrying out a special task to direct Russian airstrikes at Islamic State group targets," the unnamed representative said, without giving the date of the incident. "The officer was carrying out a combat task in Palmyra area for a week, identifying crucial IS targets and passing exact coordinates for strikes with Russian planes," he said.

Support has more than quadrupled overnight for a petition to allow firearms at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

The grim reality of the world is that most people don?t know how to think. All of these people worshiping academia, signaling supposed intellectual superiority, and machine-gun spouting opini…
After a month of heavy coverage of fights at his events and his repeated moves to egg on his backers as they get rough with protestors, Trump's deficit against Hillary Clinton has grown to a historic margin.
Keith Reed, a student at the University of Iowa, is fed up with all of the racism depicted in Disney's animated movies. And in his review for The Daily Iowan about the studio's latest hit, Zootopia, Reed believes Disney has finally gone too far by sending a coded message to white people to take up arms and dominate minorities.
The school will also hire a Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer with a starting salary of $235,000.
Republicans say it's 1,237 delegates or bust for Donald Trump.
So, #CruzSexScandal is trending on Twitter.
Two Senate Republicans are seeking to understand the VA's practice of reporting veterans to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check system.
Lindsey Bever | Washington Post Imagine a world where the characters from your favorite childhood fairy tales and fables are armed. Hansel with a hunting rifle. Or Little Red Riding Hood’s granny with a shotgun. That world now exists on the National Rifle Association’s NRA Family website, which partnered with author Amelia Hamilton “to present her twist on those classic tales” — a series that has infuriated gun-control advocates, some of whom called it “disgusting.” Gun-rights supporters say the stories — which started with “Little Red Riding Hood (Has a Gun)” and continued with “Hansel and Gretel (Have Guns)” — are a more peaceful alternative to the often disturbing fairy tales from childhood. “The stories are really also for adults,” Hamilton told CBS News on Friday morning. “It’s all about safety and it’s for parents to start those conversations.” Hamilton’s latest story, published last week, tells the revised tale of “Hansel and Gretel,” who “had been taught how safely to use a gun and had been hunting with their parents most of their lives” — and who took their survival skills into the woods. Remember: The original portrays the children as starving siblings who are abandoned in the woods and stumble upon a candy house. A witch inside captures them and prepares them as her next meal. “In the original ‘Hansel and Gretel,’ the plot of the story is that the village is starving so they leave Hansel and Gretel in the woods to starve to death because the parents can’t afford to feed them,” Hamilton said this week on the NRA’s “Cam & Company” show. Hamilton said that her takes on the classic tales were “much kinder” stories than the originals. “In my version,” she said, “they were just going to go explore some different areas of the woods and see if they could come up with something to help feed the family, which apparently is a million times worse than sending your children to starve to death alone in the woods.” Continue reading... 
Who started it? The question recalls juvenile disputes between siblings or classmates, but at the moment it's the issue at the center of the increasingly puerile Republican presidential primary. Did Donald Trump or Ted Cruz start the fight over each other's wives? One thing is for sure: Cruz has not gone after or been a part of any attack on Trump's wife Melania. Anyone who claims otherwise is either woefully uninformed or buying into the falsehoods perpetuated by Trump himself or his campaign surrogates. It's worth going through the timeline on this story. On March 21, the day before the Utah caucuses and Arizona primary, BuzzFeed's McKay Coppins reported on Facebook ads being seen by voters in those states encouraging Republicans to vote against Trump. The ads were paid for by a super PAC called Make America Awesome, a group created by Republican strategist Liz Mair for the sole purpose of fighting Trump. Make America Awesome is almost laughably small — by the end of February, the group had raised just under $19,000 since the beginning of the year.
This video is going viral in Europe, but the #NeverTrump folks who refuse to listen to common sense will hate it. If you still support Obama bringing in thousands of Syrian refugees to our borders after watching this, then you will be to blame when something tragic occurs on our homeland: Please share this dire
Restaurants and bars in the heart of this historic city are usually hopping. Not Thursday.
A Romanian member of the European Parliament has lashed out at Europe's approach to the cultural war with migrants, and questioned the ability of Europe as a cultural entity to continue in the face of the onslaught.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proved that brevity is the soul not only of wit but of wisdom.
If David Horowitz was such a threat to their world view, why didn't the students wrap the duct tape around their eyes and ears?
It’s about time someone came to the city's defense.
In 2016 America, the deepest divide is not between Democrats and Republicans. It’s not even between conservatives and liberals. It’s between Us and Them – The People versus The Establishment.

Firewall: American Fascists

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Bill Whittle's new video.
What's the harm in a little more rule by fiat?
As those who follow this column or my Twitter feed know, I’ve been hit with a massive amount of anti-Semitism, some of it threatening, since making clear my distaste for Donald Trump. For just a taste, view my piece here. One of my most ardent anti-Semitic detractors has been former KKK honcho David Duke.
Some Trump backers have been ganging up, harassing and threatening his critics online and in person for weeks and months on end.
Brought to you by Bill Luke: http://billluke.com THE MOST AWKWARD Stand By Me Cover EVER - Donald Trump Ben Carson Dance on Stage - FNN
The vice president can't complain if Republicans object to Obama's Supreme Court nominee.