
The Boston-based company is renewing its opposition to the far-reaching Pacific Rim trade deal, saying the Obama administration reneged on a promise to give the sneaker maker a fair shot at military business if it stopped bad-mouthing the agreement.


Bill Whittle recently spoke to a progressive audience of high school students, and took several Bernie Sanders questions. Hear what he told those millennials.


[dcquiz] Armstrong Williams, Ben Carson's business manager, says that the Clintons "will say whatever they need to say and do whatever they need to do to get elected." During a panel at that Al S


It's all about the battle over state regulation, unwritten rights, and the 14th Amendment.


Was the Colorado election stolen from grassroots activists by the party elites?
Put simply, no. Plenty has already been written about the organizational advantage that Ted Cruz has demonstrated in the race for national delegates — smartly, the Cruz campaign had been on the ground in Colorado for eight months, whereas the Trump campaign hired its first ground operative last week — but few have noted that the rules in Colorado yielded a broader win for the grassroots over the elites.
On Friday, April 8, I attended the Fifth Congressional District Assembly, to which I was elected as a delegate after I attended my neighborhood caucus in March. Typically, these assemblies are boring and predictable. But not this year. In a surprise nomination from the floor, 32-year old Calandra Vargas was nominated to challenge sitting congressman Doug Lamborn (who had been unanimously nominated for re-election). Taking full advantage of the opportunity, Vargas gave the speech of her life.
When delegate balloting was completed, it was revealed that Vargas had won 58 percent of the vote. Representative Doug Lamborn, by contrast, was left with only 35 percent. (The balance of the votes went to another floor nomination.) Had Lamborn received less than 30 percent, he would have been kept off the ballot completely, left with no other way to run for re-election.
Bottom line: The establishment almost lost its congressman because of Colorado’s grassroots-caucus process. Moreover, because of the delegate vote results, Vargas will be listed first on the ballot — a huge advantage for any candidate. If the party elite were in fact pulling the strings, an upset like this wouldn’t have been possible.
The following day at the state assembly — to which I had also been elected a delegate — we heard speeches from ten U.S. Senate candidates who chose to go through the caucus and assembly process. An additional four candidates for Senate chose to bypass the assembly, and petition directly on to the ballot. Of those who attended the state assembly, state senator Tim Neville was the clear favorite. Without question, Neville had the best delegate outreach, fundraising, and assembly presence. Walking in, the delegates were sure of one thing: Neville would make the ballot.
At least they were sure of that until El Paso County Commissioner Darryl Glenn made his unexpectedly fiery nominating speech. Glenn hadn’t been successful in the traditional measures of candidate strength, such as fundraising. But, within Colorado’s assembly process, that didn’t matter. During his speech, Glenn received seven standing ovations — more than even Ted Cruz received later that day. Even better, Glenn received a remarkable 70 percent of the delegate votes, while Neville received just 18 percent. Because they were kept below the 30 percent threshold, Neville and the others were kept off the ballot. Glenn will now appear first on the US Senate ballot, above the four candidates who bypassed the assembly process.
Twice in two days in Colorado, grassroots Republican activists upended party expectations. None of us who were there were surprised by that. In Colorado, that’s just the way it works. Stealing? Not at all. That’s democracy.


Good God the world has gone utterly mad. Now that we're two-weeks in, did you know that April is apparently "Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Awareness Month"?
No? We didn't think so.


ROME, New York (AP) -- Texas Sen. Ted Cruz blasted rival Donald Trump in a radio interview Tuesday, accusing the Republican front-runner of being a bully, inciting violence and using dirty tricks to...


Will the new HBO movie 'Confirmation' be as biased as past projects from the pay channel? These four signs suggest just that.


Trusted Leadership PAC goes after one of Cruz's rivals days ahead of the Empire State primary.


He trails big in the delegate count, but Ted Cruz has a much clearer path to the GOP nomination than he has had before, as Republicans appear to be headed…


Yet another twisted cultural debate is now raging among the liberal left. Can white kids wear dreadlocks without being accused of cultural appropriation?


On Wednesday night Politico reported that Donald Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski will not be charged for a hoax assault ...


Fee structures would be higher than for taxi drivers.


Gun grabbers are ubiquitous in the current 21st century Dem. Party, and one or two gun grabbers can be found in the Rep. Party as well.


Some doctors say patient surveys have led them to prescribe more painkillers


The state attorney's office in Palm Beach County, Florida, will not prosecute Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski for battery, according to sources familiar with the case.


Jonathan Swift "A Modest Proposal" assignment goes awry because everything is offensive.


Donald Trump has a point. (Yes, you read that correctly.) After getting shut out at the Colorado conventions, Trump has been complaining that the Republican primary process is undemocratic and rigg…


Federal open internet protections are under attack.


Students have signed an open letter calling on the Senate not to increase the budget of a Department of Education office.


Donald Trump is the most unpopular top-tier presidential candidate over more than three decades of ABC News/Washington Post polls.


Want to know why Hillary Clinton’s campaign is struggling, despite the fact that the Democratic National Committee is doing everything possible to rig the primary process in her favor? Her performa…


This is just a great clip of Ted and Heidi Cruz and their two lovely daughters answering question on CNN. Caroline, the oldest, was very impressive as she was so comfortable on stage talking about …


3 RecommendedRecommend Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah plan to introduce a bill today that attempts to unravel the Justice Department’s controversial program Operation Choke Point, The Daily Signal has exclusively learned. “Under President Obama’s reign, the DOJ has abandoned its longstanding tradition of staying out of politics and has instead become a partisan arm | Read More