
The Daily Beast spoke to more of Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski's former co-workers, who confirmed previous reports that Lewandowski was abusive and


We just heard about the first Syrian family to arrive in the U.S. from Jordan under the new resettlement program called "surge operation". A "temporary processing center" opened in Amman, Jordan, this


Ted Cruz's presidential campaign said it raised more than $12.5 million in March, the biggest monthly fundraising total of the campaign.


Are these the 'New York values' Ted Cruz was referencing?


OPINION | Is Trump’s run in the GOP primary designed to wreak havoc on the Republicans?


Kimberley A. Strassel writes about Hillary Clinton’s vast email conspiracy. The Democratic front-runner’s biggest problem isn’t Bernie Sanders. It’s the Freedom of Information Act.


There’s been a lot of talk this past year about a specific candidate that has the potential of destroying the Republican Party and some have advocated for just this — simply tearing apart the Party…


A campaign conference call reveals how the campaign is treating voters in the two contests.


The Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual spring leadership meeting this weekend begins Friday at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas, called “a terrific weekend of politics, policy and poker.”


Targets Planned Parenthood undercover video maker for raids, fossil fuel industry for retribution.


“#trump supporters feeling the heat. Getting shoved by counter protesters. Hat snatched and thrown in my direction https://t.co/RpXHbBTAMT”


Donald Trump’s campaign has essentially been a wildfire no one could control. The press propped him up, gave him passes, and excused his multiple contradictions. They are not doing that any more.…


Learn more about Ted Cruz: www.tedcruz.org Follow Ted: twitter.com/tedcruz Like Ted: fb.com/tedcruzpage Ted’s Instagram: instragram.com/cruzforpresident Dona...


The attorneys general of New York and California are on the warpath. They’re fed up with dissent over the science and politics of global warming, and they’re ready to investigate the liars. California’s Kamala Harris and New York’s Eric Schneiderman have Exxon in their sights, and they’re trying to pry open the books to see whether the corporation properly warned shareholders “about the risk to its business from climate change.” Not to be outdone, Attorney General Loretta Lynch revealed that the federal Department of Justice has “discussed” the possibility of civil suits against the fossil-fuel industry. The smell of litigation is in the air.
#ad#Some people are worried about little things like the “First Amendment,” “academic freedom,” and “scientific integrity.” Not me. I hate unscientific nonsense. So if Harris and Schneiderman are up for suing people who’ve made piles of cash peddling exaggerations and distortions, let’s roll out some test cases. I’ve got three ideas:
United States v. Al Gore. Ten years ago, the former vice president of the United States launched an extraordinarily lucrative career by selling climate doomsday. While promoting his Oscar-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, he made a shockingly false statement. He said that unless the world took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gases, it would reach a “point of no return” in ten years.
RELATED: Apocalypse Delayed
Ten years have passed. Is there a scientific consensus that the world has reached a “point of no return?” No? Gore’s documentary grossed almost $50 million worldwide. I’d suggest that number as a starting point for damages. But of course you’ll need to subpoena all his business records and communications. We wouldn’t want him hiding his ill-gotten gains, and goodness knows that public schools could use some cash.
New York v. ABC/Walt Disney Company: If you thought the case against Gore was compelling, I present to you this complete absurdity from ABC:
Broadcasting from the heart of New York, Good Morning America claimed that in 2015 milk would cost almost $13 a gallon, gas would be more than $9 a gallon, “flames [would] cover hundreds of square miles,” one billion people would be malnourished, and Manhattan would be flooding — all because of climate change.
ABC is a for-profit company, part of the Walt Disney conglomerate. Last year, Disney held approximately $88 billion in assets. Some of those assets represent the ill-gotten gains from exaggerations and fearmongering used to stoke public hysteria and increase ratings for a flailing morning news-and-lifestyle broadcast.
United States v. United Nations: In 2007, the chairman of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Rajenda Pachauri, said, “If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late. . . . What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment.”
The IPCC has received tens of millions of dollars while hyping the threat of global warming. While its current factual predictions can’t be tested until the dates pass, Pachauri’s statement is patently false and at odds with “settled science.” And we all know that settled science settles everything.
RELATED: How to Put Climate Alarmism on Ice
These three cases are just the start. Environmental scaremongering is a lucrative business, and the evidence of exaggeration is everywhere. If Lynch, Harris, and Schneiderman file their first lawsuits now, they can file a second round by Christmas, when the season’s first snowflakes provide the next set of litigation targets — all the hysterics who predicted the end of snow.
#related#Or maybe — just maybe — these liberal attorneys general aren’t truly interested in the truth and are instead radical ideologues hoping to shut down dissent. Perhaps they’re trying to advance their political careers by appeasing the social-justice Left and further establishing the new pagan religion of environmentalism. There is a chance that we can’t trust the government to be fair.
In that case, forget everything I said. A nation can’t sue its way into clarity, but it can sue its way into oppression. The First Amendment still matters. Rather than settle scores, let’s extend the debate.
— David French is a lawyer and a staff writer for National Review.


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES America in 2016 is such a backwards disgrace. The Left fights for the ?right? of transgender individuals, who reject their biological design, to use whichever bathroom fits their delusional preference. But the most basic of rights, the right to life, is rejected for those with ?defects?. Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, signed House Bill 1337 into law on March 24. | Read More


Apparently all that the GOP establishment needed to scare itself straight was Donald Trump.


MARK LEVIN: Now those people out there, those people out there who are saying 'stop Trump,' I can understand 'stop Trump' in a primary process. But stop Trump or you'll vote for Hillary? Stop Trump or you won't vote at all? These people are not conservatives. They're not constitutionalists. They're frauds. They're fakes. They're not brave. They're asinine. They're buffoons...
If you believe that Hillary Clinton is in part responsible for the rise of ISIS and for what took care of Benghazi and what's taking place in Libya and that [Vladimir] Putin is on the move and that China is on the move and all the rest of it, then how the hell - how the hell could you take any steps - passively or affirmatively that would put that woman in the Oval Office?
How could you do it under these circumstances as bad as the Republican may be, how could you stay home and allow that? Or worse, how could you vote for that? That's a disgrace, an absolute disgrace. So you duke it out in the Republican primary process. You duke it out Republican convention. You insist that rules are rules and the rules be followed. And you call them out if they try to change them. And you fight like hell. But you do not vote for Hillary Clinton. Or you don't not stay home. 'Wah, my candidate isn't nominated,' and let the left elect their favorite candidate. Not in this election. That's my view.
(via Breitbart Video)


In an opinion segment from Neil Cavuto, he opined that Trump whining about Ted Cruz being a “trojan horse” for the establishment was risking sounding “like a horse’s ass.…


Ted Cruz held a rally this morning in Scotia, New York, near Albany, and if you missed it you can watch the full rally below:


Kasich is proven loser, finishing third or worse in 26 out of 32 contests. This conservative blogger wants to know why he wont' drop out?


In the Texas senator, the GOP has an ideal candidate to stop Donald Trump.


The networks have their favorites when it comes to abortion gaffes. During their morning and evening news shows, the three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) haven’t spent one second on Hillary Clinton’s abortion comments in which she declared Sunday that an “unborn person doesn't have constitutional rights.” In comparison, when Donald Trump called for “punishment” for women who undergo abortions on March 30, the news shows spent more than 20 minutes on the story in the following 24 hours.


The number of law enforcement officials killed by gunfire is up 150% this year. In an effort to pander for the black vote, Hillary says she would like our police officers to be “retrained.” She ign…