Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton committed her second gaffe in as many days on the campaign trail Monday night, claiming that the U.S. didn't lose a single person in Libya during her time as secretary of state.
Throughout his career, Trump's Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski has earned a reputation of being a bully who is quick to slander others, especially women.
Here’s an important note for anyone considering a donation to the anti-Donald Trump PAC “Trump Has Tiny Hands”: FEC rules have forced the committee to remove “Trump” from its name, as the PAC is not authorized by the candidate. The person behind the PAC has complied, renaming it the “Americans Against Insecure Billionaires With Tiny …
The media want to blame Trump for divisive speech, but the Left started the incendiary rhetoric.
It appears that Priebus has considered the wisdom of #NeverTrump and soundly rejected it for obvious reasons.  Do the establishment sore losers pushing this movement have any idea what they are doing?
"You guys can’t stop covering him," Clinton said of media coverage of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is precisely the candidate the GOP autopsy envisioned, down to the clarion plea that Republicans finally deal with illegal immigration.
"We're only looking at four years as opposed to multiple generations and perhaps the loss of the American dream forever."
Long after dark here Monday night, the U.S. senator from Texas was pitching Illinois Republicans just hours before polls open in what could be the most consequential day yet of the Republican race for the White House. 
As polls open, the political elite in Tokyo is slowly confronting the idea of Donald Trump as US president, reports the Financial Times.
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- Facing a backlash from Appalachian Democrats, Hillary Clinton's campaign on Monday tried to reaffirm her commitment to coal communities one day after declaring on national te...
Hillary Clinton got caught on a hot microphone Monday calling Donald Trump “dangerous” and complaining that the media can’t stop talking about him because he’s like “candy by the bushel” to the pre…
Ted Cruz's campaign is pouring another half a million dollars into television and digital ad buys slated to run in Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina ahead of the contests in those states on Tuesday:
DECATUR -- A day before Illinoisans head to the polls, Ted Cruz said he is the lone man in the Republican field who can derail Donald Trump’s path to the
POLITICO Caucus members think Illinois and Missouri are primed for Bernie Sanders upsets.
Hillary Clinton says that Donald Trump is stoking mob violence.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Well, here it is: the decision day for two of the candidates in this race who have staked everything on winning their own home states. By doing so, they have likely mathematically eliminated themselves from getting the nomination by reaching 1,237 delegates, as we discussed yesterday for both Kasich and Rubio. But by winning their home states, they can | Read More »
Gov. Jerry Brown, mocking Donald Trump for his plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, suggested Monday that if the Republican frontrunner wins election, California might have to take protective measures of its own.
Bernie Sanders has expanded his double-digit lead among millennials in the Democratic presidential race, but a new USA TODAY/Rock the Vote poll finds a way for Hillary Clinton to solve her generation gap: Donald Trump.
Ted Cruz continues to rise as the lone Republican alternative to Donald Trump. As more primaries go by and more candidates drop out, Cruz is also proving the
Corey Lewandowski's temperament and inappropriate comments drew ire at his previous job, too.
it seems exceedingly likely that a general electorate of around 130 million will look at a Clinton it distrusts and a Trump it detests and choose the lesser evil.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Dr. Ben Carson appeared on video today for Newsmax TV and made more than one … let’s say “startling” admission. Not the kind of thing one usually spills the beans about, I’d say. Here is the first excerpt. DR. BEN CARSON: I do believe, and certainly in my discussions with Donald Trump, he does love America and he does | Read More »
Former Louisiana Governor Huey Long was like a Bernie Sanders-Donald Trump hybrid: a hero of the working man but also a vindictive, populist demagogue.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Today is Super Tuesday Three, and a lot of states are voting and a lot of delegates are being awarded. One of the states that is voting today is my home state, North Carolina. Here’s what you need to know, in polling, process, and delegates apportionment. – CURRENT POLLING – PPP: Public Policy Polling put out their latest data | Read More »