She is a liberal icon and was America's first female secretary of state, but not everyone at a California college is thrilled that “white feminist and repeated genocide enabler” Madeleine Albright has been lined up to give next month’s commencement address.
Michael Reagan said he trusts Kasich "to continue my father's great legacy." Kasich, who knew the former president, called the endorsement and honor.
Rapper/Singer Azealia Banks publicly wished that Sarah Palin would be gang-raped by a group of black men.
Azealia's vicious tweets came as a result of extreme gullibility, having believed a satirical article circulating the web that implied Palin believed blacks willingly accepted slavery. Though Azealia has since deleted the tweets, she has not issued an apology. See below: (Warning: Graphic Language)
The Obama administration released a warning Monday telling the nation's landlords that it may be discriminatory for them to refuse to rent to those with criminal records. The Fair Housing Act doesn
In another great interview by Neil Cavuto, he talked to a fast food worker and minimum wage protester who showed why she’s stuck in a dead end job and will never be worthy of anything above m…
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Several weeks ago, shortly after Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump, he made a shocking admission. Carson told NewsMax TV he had been promised a spot in Donald Trump’s administration, and implied that it was promised to him in exchange for his endorsement. What Carson didn’t realize at the time I’m sure, judging by the way he so casually dished | Read More
If voters put the rhetoric and the campaign lies aside, one common theme emerges about Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Both have been involved with the ?Establishment? for a long time. Ted C…
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Our good friends at the Washington Free Beacon have put together another awesome video. This one highlights the thrill Sean Hannity gets running up his leg every time he thinks about or talks to Donald Trump. There’s no way I can possibly improve on this video or add to it, other than to say, watch it for yourself. Denver | Read More »
A video detailing my past, how I changed my liberal, feminist beliefs and values and ended up as a conservative and Hungarian nationalist.
Guest post by Aleister John Stossel of the FOX Business Network recently interviewed Michael Moynihan of the Daily Beast on ...
Ex-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields contacted authorities Friday after an individual made multiple death threats against her. (Video: Josiah Ryan In audio ...
John Kasich Fox News On The Trail Town Hall With Greta Van Susteren 4/4/2016
With a varied cast of characters pursuing each party’s nomination for president, the subject of electability ? the idea that some candidates are inherently better or worse general election ca…
Some wonder if personalities will trump the economy in 2016.
Over the weekend, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) continued siphoning delegates away from Donald Trump in states in which delegates remain uncommitted. In North Dakota, the state Republican Party met in convention to determine their delegates. Cruz won 18 of the 28 members of the delegation; those 18 are all open Cruz supporters.
Donald Trump’s lies are massive and unceasing. Hardly a day goes by that doesn’t require some sort of soft walkback from his campaign, whether on his abortion positions or his self-funded campaign or his opponents.
WASHINGTON, April 4, 2016—Five years ago today, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced sweeping new requirements for colleges and universities adjudicating allegations of sexual misconduct. By unilaterally issuing these binding mandates via a controversial “Dear Colleague” letter (DCL), OCR ignored its obligation under federal law to notify the public of the proposed changes and solicit feedback. To correct this error, and to begin to fix a broken system of campus sexual assault adjudication that regularly fails all involved, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) seeks a student or institution to challenge OCR’s abuse of ?
A New Hampshire woman was arrested a few days ago for selling heroin with the name of none other than Donald Trump branded on the bags.
*** Version without piano/music: https://youtu.be/sgks1Uf4-mc *** About this Video ------------------------------------------------------ I know a lot of oth...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES What you are experiencing right now is called Trumpmentum: it’s a lot like popularity, only with less people.* If you walk backwards in time, Trump has now won a total of zero delegates (maybe one) from the last three states – Utah (where he was swept by Cruz), Colorado (which is still ongoing but looking like a Cruz delegate | Read More »
On the eve of Wisconsin's primary, MSNBC misled viewers with a story about how the Badger State's new voter ID law goes into effect tomorrow on primary election day. Correspondent Tony Dokoupil used the plight of two new residents to the state to complain about the cost – $34 each – of an in-state driver's license. What Dokoupil failed to mention, however, was that the couple in question could easily have obtained FREE identification from the state.
Law makes clear DOJ should prosecute Clinton for mishandling 'national defense information,' classified or not.
A Georgia judge reduced a courtroom full of youths to tears last month while delivering a speech on the brutal realities of prison life. “Somebody raping you in the middle of the night, and there’s nothing you can do but just lay there because guess what, everybody got...
Ted Cruz is locking down second-ballot support in Arizona delegates.
A major win for due process and fairness in campus rape disputes.