Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump doubled-down Sunday night on his comments that the US should “do a better deal” with Japan, South Korea and ot...
In quite possibly the most North Korean move yet, team Trump declared victory in the North Dakota delegate count even though the TedNado sliced through them like a hungry shark with warm knife teet…
George Will: Trump Has Only Been Pro-life For About 15 Minutes
It’s not cultural integration, but religious disintegration.
Megyn Kelly Says She’s Received Death Threats Since Trump Went After Her--Mediaite
Sen. Don Huffines can find no reason to keep doing "worthless" vehicle inspections in Texas.
Opponents who say there is no voter fraud are wrong, writes Hans A. von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, is co-author of Who’s Counting?
The Donald Trump and Ted Cruz campaigns are working to prevent John Kasich from appearing on the ballot at the Republican National Convention in July.
Ted Cruz's campaign is opening the opposition research book on John Kasich, launching their first negative ad against him before the primary in Wisconsin.
In recent years, many academics and others have condemned President Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki...

Rory Cooper on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Cruz got nearly his entire slate elected. Big victory in ND. Trump whines, Cruz campaigns. https://t.co/zYw2cNWKAx”
The Texas Senator sees his hard work pay off.

Rick Shaftan on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“So far in New Jersey, Cruz has filed 45 delegates, Trump 24 and Kasich 18. Filing closes tomorrow at 4 pm.”
A terrorist comes to campus
Learn more about Ted Cruz: www.tedcruz.org Follow Ted: twitter.com/tedcruz Like Ted: fb.com/tedcruzpage Ted’s Instagram: instragram.com/cruzforpresident Dona...
"Who’s going to vacuum our living rooms and clear up after us?" asks Trump's ex-wife.
Cruz: Evangelical and Catholic Support Surging Around the Nation HOUSTON, Texas – Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz today announced the endorsements of 50 Wisconsin faith leaders, including clergy, educators, and activists representing thousands of people of faith in the Badger State. The influx of clergy support comes on the heels of an endorsement for Cruz from Catholic Vote, a political advocacy organization …
GREEN BAY ? Senator Ted Cruz made a campaign stop in Green Bay on Sunday, April 3rd ? and Governor Scott Walker, First Lady Tonette Walker, the Walker?s son Alex and Carly Fiorina…
Populist anti-intellectualism has culminated in Trump.
The TedNado absolutely obliterated Trump and everyone else in the straw poll at the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference today. Here are the results: Daaaaang!! Them Pennsylvanians sure do love their…
CNN’s John King goes over the delegate math and shows how Wisconsin is crucial to stopping Trump’s momentum, but to really force a contested convention, Cruz then needs to go on and per…
If the government are racist why would you want their influence over you to grow.
Long lines, battling the elements and the possibility of being turned away.