
Is it any surprise that the government is now taking steps to limit our ability to drastically reduce our expenses? Tiny house living may become illegal.


CNN’s Jake Tapper did a short online video segment on the row between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz over the nude Melania Trump ad, going through the entire saga and then busting Trump for lying …


After all of Donald Trump's recent gutter sleaze, his incoherence on the Constitutional role of the federal government and his flip flopping on whether women should be punished for having abortions it’s refreshing to see a positive message ad like "Opportunity"and an articulate plan for undoing damage done by the ObamaCrats.


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Yesterday, Donald Trump made the worst possible hash out of a question on abortion that you could even imagine. He basically made Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, and Christine O’Donnell look like seasoned veterans in terms of manipulating the media minefield of abortion questions. First, he said in response to Chris Matthews that a woman should be punished if she | Read More »


Trump said he'd authorize any means necessary for interrogating terror suspects.


At the prediction market Betfair on Friday morning, bettors put Donald Trump’s chances of winning the Republican presidential nomination at 56 percent. That’s down a fair bit ? Trump had been…


The Republican National Committee has begun to prepare the public for what could prove to be a nasty convention.


Super PAC for John Kasich Adopts Donald Trump’s ‘Lyin’ Ted’ Moniker for Ted Cruz


A new poll just came out that shows Cruz with a solid 10 point lead over Trump in Wisconsin: Here’s more: FOX NEWS – Ted Cruz leads Donald Trump in the Republican nomination contest in …


Five men, including two suspected murderers, have been arrested on suspicion of gang raping a girl on-board a special, high school kids-only pleasure cruise in Sweden


The Republican front-runner risks an exodus of delegates if he fails to clinch the nomination outright.


A transgender man is suing a Long Beach barbershop because the barber refused to cut his hair after identifying him as a woman.


More than 300,000 Chicago children are missing school today because their teachers’ union wants taxes to rise. Unfortunately, this is not an April Fools’ prank. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is actually striking for higher taxes.
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) does not have a record of success. One-third of the district’s students fail to graduate. This happens despite the district paying some of the highest teacher salaries in America. Rising pension costs have now pushed the district into a major deficit. Teacher pension benefits have quintupled over the past 30 years — well over twice the inflation rate. The average career teacher in CPS can now expect over $2 million in lifetime retirement benefits.
To close this deficit, CPS offered the union major concessions. It offered to cap enrollment in (largely non-union) charter schools and relax teacher evaluation standards. In exchange, the district wanted educators to contribute more toward their pensions and health-care benefits.
The Chicago Teachers Union considered that unacceptable. It wants state legislators to raise taxes instead. So the union called the one-day strike to pressure them to do exactly that.
This shows why collective bargaining does not belong in government. Government unions pressure policymakers to make working for government more comfortable. That is their job. Of course, in a democracy, citizens often lobby their representatives for preferred policies. But collective bargaining enables government unions to go much further: They can shut down the government to get their way.
Consequently, voters’ elected representatives no longer have the final say. They must instead bargain — as equal partners — with government unions. Again and again, government unions block changes that voters support but the unions dislike.
Chicagoans elected Mayor Emmanuel on a platform of improving public schools. The 2012 teachers’ strike forced him to water down his education reforms. Illinois voters turfed former governor Pat Quinn after he hiked the state income tax. Now the CTU wants the legislature to raise taxes anyway.
In a democracy, no special-interest group should have such power. Why should CPS need to offer to curtail charter-school enrollment in order to adjust its benefit policies? Or negotiate over how rigorously to evaluate teachers?
The government exists to serve the public good. But collective bargaining forces government to put its own employees’ interests first. This April 1 Chicago’s students, parents, and taxpayers have learned just how foolish that is.


This is something you’re going to be hearing a lot about over the next several days. Donald Trump recently made a bombshell revelation that could make you qu...


Hold your nose, here comes some cold water...


The national epidemic of college children being triggered by pro-Donald Trump chalk messages has continued anew, with students at the University of Michigan


VIDEO-The White House website censored, then pulled, a video of French Pres. Francois Hollande saying that “Islamist terrorism” is at the “roots of terrorism.”


On Thursday, conservative firebrand and Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro crashed another safe space; this time it was at Virginia Tech. The event was well-publicized by the Young America’s Foundation at VTech. The group adorned the campus with posters advertising Shapiro’s speech. Even when a few of the fliers were torn down by peevish social justice warriors, the conservative student group took the provocations in stride, enthusiastically distributing more fliers that included sardonic pronouncements such as “The Left’s Worst Nightmare: Facts” and “Crybabies!”


Rove's suggestion — he never named any names — blew up Twitter Thursday night.


The team at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics threw its usual caution to the wind on Thursday and took its best guess at how the 50 states and D.C. would break when Electoral College votes are parceled out, assuming the Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton and the GOP nominates Trump. It’s not a pretty picture.


Conference sessions include "Modern responses to systemic anti-black racism & white supremacy," and "The basics of privilege for those who just don't quite get it.”


This is In Real Terms, a column analyzing the week in economic news. Comments? Criticisms? Ideas for future columns? Email me or drop a note in the comments. Give credit to the “Fight for $15” move…


We are sometimes skeptical about Republican presidential contenders who embrace the pro-life position late in life at a convenient moment, as Donald Trump did a few years ago when he was 64 years of age. Mitt Romney, for whom we have a great deal of respect, changed his mind, too, right around the time he started his journey from leadership of a liberal state to leadership of a conservative party. But sometimes Saul does fall off his ass, and there is more joy in Heaven.
#ad#Donald Trump, however, does not seem to have thought this through. (Of course, we could write that about Trump and practically any issue.)
Asked by Chris Matthews about the particulars of outlawing abortion, Trump insisted that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women obtaining abortions. After a sustained barrage of criticism from his presidential rivals and from some anti-abortion groups, Trump changed his position, insisting instead that punishment would be handed down to those performing illegal abortions rather than to those suborning them.
In other words, Trump, who insists that he will surround himself with the best advisers in order to be thoroughly prepared for anything the presidency might throw at him, was completely unready to give a thoughtful answer to a question in a 43-year-old controversy about which a great deal of intelligent and humane commentary has been published.
He managed to damage his own campaign, the Republican party, and the pro-life cause at a single go. That is one of the problems with his masquerading as a conservative, something he isn’t. He doesn’t understand conservatism or what conservatives think, and so he goes from moment to moment saying whatever he thinks will be of maximum benefit to himself in any given context. Punishment sounds tough, and tough is Trump’s brand.
#share#In general, pro-life groups advocate punishment only for the abortionists, understanding that women faced with an unwanted pregnancy are in a very difficult position, that in some circumstances the worst of those difficulties are beyond their immediate control, and that the vulnerability of their position counsels a humane stance even when they have gone to the horrifying length of seeking elective homicide for their unborn children. American anti-abortion laws generally exempted the mothers for these reasons and others.
But whatever your position is on that approach, you should probably have figured it out well before you run for president as a purportedly pro-life candidate.
Trump managed to damage his own campaign, the Republican party, and the pro-life cause at a single go.
Trump likes to compare himself to Ronald Reagan, who also changed his mind over the years on some important issues, including abortion. But Reagan also had a long career as an activist and a governor before becoming the Republican standard-bearer, during which time he bothered to read a great deal of serious policy literature and to figure out what he actually believed and why. There were 16 long years between Reagan’s “A Time for Choosing” speech and his election to the presidency. Donald Trump was not a principled conservative activist 16 years ago, or 16 months ago.
And you’d be a fool to believe that you can predict what position he’ll take 16 minutes from now, on abortion or anything else.


If there is one thing that is bipartisan in Washington, it is brazen hypocrisy. Currently there is much indignation being expressed by Democrats because the Republican-controlled Senate refuses to hold confirmation hearings on President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.


I'm sure with enough time with Google, one can find an accomplishment that goes beyond "got elected," but for a Democratic figurehead who is cheerleading for a Democratic presidential hopeful, this is just embarrassing.