
Liberal Protesting...

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

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Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump is continuing on in his unhealthy fixation with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. It has reached such a point that even his subservient toadies with Fox and Friends are forced to offer their feeble protestations against his mania. Trump made his daily call-in to allow the aforementioned toadies to lavish him with praise, and also to talk about | Read More
Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe torture can be justified to extract information from suspected terrorists, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, a level of support similar to that seen in countries like Nigeria where militant attacks are common.
There’s nothing like a good show trial to build confidence in the academy’s commitment to academic freedom. Marquette University is demanding that embattled professor John McAdams apologize for criticizing a colleague as a condition for keeping his job. And what outrage did McAdams commit? He tried to protect the academic freedom and free speech of conservative students: On November 2014, McAdams, a tenured associate professor of political science, posted an entry on his Marquette Warrior blog describing a recorded conversation between an undergraduate student and the instructor for his “Theory of Ethics” philosophy course. The instructor, Cheryl Abbate, was recorded telling the student that the expression of certain opinions in class was inappropriate because those opinions may be considered offensive to other listeners. Abbate specifically cited the student’s stated opposition to same-sex marriage as a problem. Abbate’s actions were criticized by readers of McAdams’ blog entry, and her alleged actions received widespread attention from national media. In response, Richard C. Holz, dean of Marquette’s Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, suspended McAdams. You read that correctly. Rather than discipline the instructor who silenced a conservative student, the university suspended the whistleblower. Now it’s reportedly extending the suspension through the fall 2016 semester and demanding that he apologize as a condition of returning to work. My former colleagues at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) are right to label the forced apology “an age-old inquisitorial tactic used to violate freedom of conscience through compelled speech.” McAdams — to his immense credit — is not backing down. Here’s his response: The addition of a demand that we abase ourself and issue an apology and sign a loyalty oath to vaguely defined “guiding values” and to the University’s “mission” is obviously a ploy by Marquette to give the administration an excuse to fire us. They have calculated, correctly, that we will do no such thing. I would say that it’s astonishing that a Catholic university punish a professor for defending the right of students to advocate the church’s teaching on marriage, but politically correct nonsense is par for the course even (especially) at many religious colleges. McAdams should be applauded — and supported — for his lonely, courageous stand.
This Easter pic had the entire Internet talking...
(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Fox News’ latest poll shows Senator Ted Cruz jumping to a massive 14 percent lead over Secretary Hillary Clinton among voters under the age of 35. The same poll shows Trump losing the same younger demographic to Clinton by more than 20 percent — despite Clinton having a...
Meet the young, web-savvy right-wingers who are shaking up mainstream politics.
Life is replete with ticking time bombs. It isn’t necessary to fantasize about nonsensical “crisis situations”.
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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions during a taping of an MSNBC town hall that will air Wednesday evening. https://twitter.com/MashableNews/status/715255834821787648 In the interview, host Chris Matthews asked Trump, “Should abortion be punished? This...
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The party establishment abandoned its most faithful voters, blue-collar workers who faced economic pain while donors, lawmakers and lobbyists prospered.
Trump is already letting Hillary win.
Marquette is releasing a new Wisconsin poll out today that shows Ted Cruz with 40%, Trump with 30% and Kasich with 21%. Here’s the image from their PDF which they’ve just taken down (it…
Napoleon knew the value of turning cannons around to fire on their owners. US nuclear weapons are held on Belgian airfields to provide domestic security, but shoddy security measures make them a danger to the very people they are meant to protect.
The income gap and income inequality is a hot button topic in the United States that has taken center stage in political debates and college classrooms in recent years.
Which Candidate May have Just Broken New York and Florida Law with a Tweet?

The day Trump killed the fact

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Maybe we're just trapped inside a creepy creepy production of 'The Taming of the Shrew.'
During an interview with the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Ohio Governor and Republican presidential candidate John Kasich discussed why he’s looking forward to an open GOP convention.
Trump isn't the only one backing off his pledge to support the GOP nominee.
Former First Lady Hillary Clinton is the current darling of the liberal media and the frontrunner for Democratic nomination for the 2016 presidential election.
Wisconsin's largest newspaper is backing John Kasich for the GOP nomination, one week before the state holds its Republican primary.
Congressman Mike Pompeo is a third-term congressman from the 4th District, Kansas. He graduated first in his class from West Point in 1986 and then served as...
Public sector unions triumphed before the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday when the justices preserved a vital source of cash for organized labor, splitting 4-4 on a conservative challenge that had seemed destined for success until Justice Antonin Scalia's death last month.
The new contender reportedly paid extras $50 to participate in his campaign kickoff Tuesday.