Did last year?s minimum-wage hike knife Seattle restaurant workers, or was it just ketchup? Until last week, the evidence suggested big minimum-wage hikes to $10 an hour or more in Seattle an…
Head of Islamic Kindergarten Used Facility For Orgies, Drugs and Defrauding Tax Payers
California regulators may force a massive solar thermal power plant in the Mojave Desert to shut down after years of under-producing electricity -- not to mention the plant was blinding pilots flying
A prime suspect in the Paris terror attacks has been wounded in a shootout with police at a Brussels flat and has been caught alive, local media has reported. Salah Abdeslam and one other suspect were shot dead in the Molenbeeck operation, the Derniere Heure paper said on its website. Earlier today, Belgian prosecutors said Abdeslam’s fingerprints had been found in a flat raided by police this week. And this afternoon reports emerged that Abdeslam has been wounded and caught in a new police raid.
The Left always identifies some group as the source of all problems in society, some class that makes all mankind choke.
Their judgement should never be trusted again.

Believing the Unbelievable

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Here’s the new line from Donald Trump's cheerleaders in the conservative media: A refusal to support Trump is a de facto endorsement of Hillary Clinton. It's an argument they're making out of necessity, not conviction, trying to use peer pressure to achieve the unanimity their previous exhortations failed to produce. First, they asked us to believe Trump was a conservative. But that argument couldn't survive a cursory look at his background, and it falls apart further with nearly every policy pronouncement Trump makes. Then they said he was antiestablishment. But Trump financed the establishment of both parties for years and is now telling anyone who will listen that he intends to go establishment once he gets the Republican nomination. Then they asked us to look past his boorishness and promised he'd tone it down as the process went on. But Trump continued his subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) race-baiting and lately has encouraged violence against those who protest at his rallies. And when his supporters answered his call, he defended their actions and once again raised the possibility that he'd pay the legal fees of offenders. They promised he'd surround himself with the very best people. But Trump's campaign manager manhandled a female reporter, and when Trump was asked last week to make good on his promise to name his foreign policy advisers, he said: I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things. .  .  . My primary consultant is myself, and I have a good instinct for this stuff.
That's why I back his effort to take Washington back for the rest of us.
AMSTERDAM (AP) — In a case that will test the limits of Dutch freedom of expression, firebrand lawmaker Geert Wilders appeared in court Friday for the first public hearing in a hate speech prosecution. The pretrial hearing…
As expected, media and politicians play down latest Islamic terrorist attack in Canada.
President Obama sought to increase the amount of money available for the federal government to spend on former presidents in advance of his White House exit.
The GOP-led House of Representatives on Thursday added its voice to a legal challenge to President Barack Obama's controversial executive orders that changed immigration enforcement rules, approving a resolution that authorizes House Speaker Paul Rya...

Ukraine Kicks Lenin to the Curb

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Has anyone told Bernie?
President Obama sought to increase the amount of money available for the federal government to spend on former presidents in advance of his White House exit.
After all the campaigning, debates and primaries, the GOP's presidential nomination could turn on what these insiders decide.
Note: point of interest, gay men in relationships generally earn less than straight men in relationships, (the reverse is true of lesbians.) Although for sin...

What Would Hamilton Do?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

All right, Trump people, you do have a point. A number of policies pushed since the 1990s by the establishment wings of both major parties may have had bad effects on millions of people. The industrial base of this country has changed in ways that eroded the financial and moral lives of lower-middle- and working-class people, through unemployment, underemployment, family breakdown, and similar ills. It may have been unintended, collateral damage, but it was nonetheless damage, and the worst thing one can say about both parties’ leaders is not that they somehow allowed it to happen, but that they have turned a blind eye to what has been happening and have done nothing to assuage the effects. Yes, we have read Peggy Noonan's columns in the Wall Street Journal, when she has said that Western governments no longer protect their own people; we have read Charles Murray when he says that the country has broken into two different parts that do not know each other; and we have listened to Henry Olsen, the estimable policy expert at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, when he says the establishments have behaved very badly and possibly deserve the substantial payback it looks as though they may get. In short, your message has been getting through, but it has been overwhelmed by the messenger.
Trump didn't even understand the question, but that didn't stop him from answering
Donald Trump may arrive at the Cleveland convention without enough 'pledged' delegates to claim the nomination. That's when the fun begins.

No, Not Trump, Not Ever

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Voters deserve respect, but this year, their candidate does not.
Minnesota County Dumps Grand Juries for Police-Involved Shootings Under Pressure from Black Lives Matter
Gingrich: I'm 'Not Sympathetic' to Erick Erickson's Third-Party Overtures, Would Be 'Functionally Supporting Hillary Clinton'
When talking about trade, Donald Trump routinely describes an economic world that does not exist.
Senior Senate Republicans are calling on Sen. Ted Cruz to rebuild his strained relationships with his colleagues and apologize to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell before the party establishment considers consolidating behind his presidential bid.