
President Obama, who has engaged in more direct political combat with the Supreme Court than any president since FDR, says that the Supreme Court should be above politics.


This election season there's a lot of talk about corruption, about politicians being "bought and sold", and about "crony capitalism". What do those terms mean? Why should we care? Is there a way to reduce corruption and restore our trust in government? Author Jay Cost, staff writer at The Weekly Standard, answers these questions and proposes a solution that every society could benefit from.


Trump's healthcare proposal has an even greater role for the state to play than with the Affordable Care Act


Republican presidential candidate and Gov. John Kasich said he actually wouldn't consider Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court if he were president.


Was the Constitution written in a way that was designed to protect freedom and limit the government's size? Has it been effective in doing that? And what's the Supreme Court's record when it comes to protecting our rights? Robert George, Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, answers these questions and more.


A nine-year-old girl living within Isis-held territories was openly raped in a hall where she was being detained alongside other women, it has been claimed.
The distressing report appears in the wide-ranging analysis Children of the Islamic State, released by the London counter-extremism think-tank Quilliam, which has investigated how the terror group indoctrinates children.


De omvangrijke aanwezigheid van de politie en de media in Molenbeek naar aanleiding van de grootschalige antiterreuractie, is blijkbaar bij enkele ...


Lindsey Graham already said he would be supporting Ted Cruz going forward, but this morning pleaded with John Kasich to get out so that Cruz can take out Donald Trump more easily.


Adam Carolla isn't going to tell you who to vote for. But he is going to tell you who NOT to vote for. And in a time when candidates running for office promise the moon, one of America's funniest comedians shares a few tips about how to spot the candidate that you should run from.


Hint: The police come after you


Draper • Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz told Utahns on Saturday that the biggest danger America faces is career politicians who no longer listen — and he relishes battling them for the people. “The biggest ...


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES In two out of the last three Presidential elections in this country, Utah has been literally the reddest state in the entire country. On the way to losing handily to Barack Obama in 2008, John McCain carried the state of Utah easily, winning that state 62%-34%. That year, it was the third reddest state in the entire country, behind | Read More »


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz met with the Deseret News/KSL Editorial Board Saturday.


This seems like just another excuse to use "sexual harassment" as a way of explaining human behavior.


Lars Ulrich and Marc Benioff battled angry—and violent—protesters.


Donald Trump's democracy is the democracy that John Adams warned us about.


Media at Ted Cruz's event at the U.S.-Mexico border illegally crossed the fence for better photos.


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES According to the most recent poll date from the Salt Lake Tribune, Ted Cruz has a gigantic lead in the state, one which would net him all of the state’s delegates if the caucus were held today. The Y2 Analytics survey shows Cruz with 53 percent support among likely Republican caucus-goes and if that matches Tuesday’s caucus vote, he’d | Read More »


Anti-Trump Republicans have gotten their wish: the 2016 GOP presidential contest has become a race between Donald Trump and Not Donald Trump.
There's just one problem: Donald Trump is winning.
It is by no means a clean sweep. Trump lost Ohio's winner-take-all primary to Gov. John Kasich by a bigger than expected margin in perhaps the clearest example of strategic anti-Trump voting seen yet. Trump barely leads Ted Cruz in Missouri and left some delegates on the table in Illinois and North Carolina.
Yet Trump won three and probably four out of the five states that voted Tuesday. He destroyed Marco Rubio in Florida and knocked him out of the presidential race. Barring a reversal in Missouri due to recount, the only candidate to beat Trump last night is one with no path to the nomination through the primaries.


GOP leaders detail effort to deny Trump nomination, general election support.


Cruz's team is making a full-court press for former Rubio donors and supporters.


Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz heaped criticisms on fellow presidential hopeful John Kasich in a town hall-style interview with Fox News late Friday. The Texas senator called out the Ohio governor's insistence on remaining in the race despite significant primary losses.
There's no good reason when you go 1 for 27. That's a problem, Cruz told interviewer Sean Hannity and the audience at the Phoenix, Ariz., event, sponsored by Keep the Promise super PAC.
Cruz, ranked second in the race with seven primary and caucus wins out of the 29 states that have voted, attacked Kasich's one win in his home state on Tuesday. Trump, ranked as the party front-runner in national polls, has won nearly 20 primaries and caucuses since Feb. 1.
At this point it is clear the voters have decided it is a two-man race. It is between me and Donald Trump. We are the only two candidates with any plausible path to win the nomination and at this point Kasich's role is essentially as a spoiler. A vote for John Kasich is a vote for Donald Trump, Cruz said.


My friends are worried about me. They insist something is not right and suggest prayer, counseling, even rehab. “Take a break,” they urge. “Get away for a few days and clear your head.” They are wi…


Salt Lake Tribune -- ‘Cruz in Utah: Glenn Beck Says He’s Fulfillment of Mormon Prophecy’