President Obama, who as a candidate once urged supporters to “bring a gun” to the knife fight of his campaign, on Tuesday decried “vicious” rhetoric from Republican presidential candidates.
Oprah Winfrey made some shocking comments in a recent interview with BBC, when she alluded that the only reason someone wouldn’t like President Barack Obama is if they were a racist. When the inter…
A GOP convention official says political parties, not the primary voters, choose their nominees.
A California businessman on layover thought things looked "lopsided" when he saw a group of 400 U.S. troops sitting on the airport floor eating cold meals out of paper bags, while civilians dined at fancy bistros.
Garland, 63, is the highly-regarded chief judge of the U.S. federal appeals court.
Unless he steps up his pace, he could fall over 100 delegates short of those needed.
Hardball host Chris Matthews twice promoted Star Wars on his show two months after The Force Awakens director J. J. Abrams and his wife, Katie McGrath, donated to Kathleen Matthews’ congressional campaign, something Chris Matthews never disclosed. The MSNBC anchor is currently facing calls to suspend his show after it was revealed that 48 of Matthews’ guests on Hardball had donated $79,050 to his wife’s campaign, sometimes just before or after appearing on the show.
President Barack Obama plans to announce his nominee for the Supreme Court in a Rose Garden event at 11 A.M. Wednesday, according to an email distributed by the White House.
A Politico reporter was denied entry to Donald Trump's election night event, likely due to his recent critical coverage.
President Barack Obama is expected to announce his Supreme Court nominee Wednesday but Donald Trump thinks the senate shouldn't give the pick a nominee.
It’s hidden there in plain sight, even if it hasn’t happened since the election of 1825
Why the Texas senator is the least scary of the remaining major-party candidates
During his Super Tuesday election speech, Ted Cruz called out the media as Donald Trump surrogates, hitting them for the disparity in coverage given to Trump. Talking to supporters, Cruz denounced, “The mainstream media, the network suits who make the decisions, want Donald Trump as the Republican nominee.”
One of Ted Cruz's remaining obstacles to a two-man race with Donald Trump for the GOP presidential nomination faded away Tuesday as Marco Rubio ended his presidential campaign after losing his home state.
Unbelievable: With homelessness on the rise, Mayor de Blasio is slashing spending for shelters in his 2017 budget — on the theory that his new policies are sure to turn things around. As a matter o…
Ohio Gov. John Kasich delivered a promised a victory in Ohio on Tuesday, edging out Donald Trump and sending the Republican Party further down the path to a contested convention this summer.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has suspended his presidential campaign, after losing his home state to Donald Trump by nearly 20 percentage points. It’s a disappointing end for Rubio, who was the Republican Party’s best hope for winning the general election, and for expanding the GOP tent to younger voters and minorities. But for Rubio supporters like myself, there is no time to grieve, because the hour is late, and there is only one option left for conservatives to win the White House.
John Kasich has yet to drop out of the 2016 race, despite having no clear path to the Republican nomination.
A letter circulated by the progressive Alliance for Justice tries to claim the Constitution requires the Senate to actively consider a Supreme Court nomination
A second Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice quit the bench Tuesday in a widening scandal over raunchy and otherwise offensive emails that he and others exchanged with friends and lawyers.
Is there any question we are down to a two-man race?
Trump is not the first media-savvy outsider to win the GOP nomination.
Wasserman Schultz blamed divisiveness in the Republican Party for the rise of Trump.
Mexican Flag Raised in Chicago; 'We Stopped Trump!'
Eight present and past Department of State officials linked to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private email scandal will be deposed by Judicial Watch in the non-profit government