No journalists have scrutinized Donald Trump more — or infuriated him more — than Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter and Studio 360 host Kurt Andersen during their days at Spy magazine.
Are independents and cross-over Democrats propelling the Trump campaign?
Import tariffs v. free trade, argued by Donald Trump and Milton Friedman. http://www.LibertyPen.com
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Polls are narrowing in Florida. While Joe Scarborough likes to tout PPP’s poll showing Donald Trump with a yuge 20 point lead over Rubio, recent polls show Rubio anywhere from 5-8 points behind with a week to go of campaigning. Early voting is going to play a big part in this years decision and if Monmouth Polling is right. | Read More »
The former first lady was a winsome anti-drug advocate. But the policies now point in a different direction.
32925A professor of Islamic Eschatology and Director of Muslim Rights Concern, Ishaq Akintola, speaks with BAYO AKINLOYE about the abduction saga of Ese Oruru Is child marriage permitted in Islam, looking beyond the case of Ese Oruru? Islam is a complete way of life. As a religion, non-Muslims will have to take Muslims as they
Abbott Labs, a global healthcare company, is laying off about 180 IT employees after inking an agreement with Wipro to take over some IT services.
HISTORY teachers are being told pupils need not study British kings and queens, but must learn about early Islamic civilisation, Mayan culture or of Benin in west Africa.
The Austrian man confronted the so-called Sharia patrol after they hassled his Chechen wife and daughter in central Vienna, pictured, but ended up being attacked and hospitalised.
This election is the Republican Altamont, where conservatives got knifed by the Hells Angels
I still plan to detail how Cruz’s constitutional conservatism is the kindest prospect for the prosperity for individuals and society, but there is a conventional wisdom among political commenters that Ted Cruz can't win a general election. Sunday a FOX panel was asked if they thought Cruz could win a general election against Hillary Clinton.
Was Louisiana’s Republican primary a turning point for Donald Trump — or even, as some GOP leaders desperately hope, the beginning of the end?I’ve got my doubts.Sure, Trump won the
Ted Cruz will unveil endorsements from more than 4 of his Senate colleagues this week.
The Democratic Party debate last night was an orgy of protectionist rhetoric.
Has anyone ever been more praised than Brazil?s man of the people, Luiz Inacio ?Lula? da Silva? Under his socialist rule, Brazil was suddenly the world capital of cool. People on …
The GOP race may be as good as over. According to the latest figures at First Read Trump is likely ...
"They just cannot give up..."
While Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has garnered populist support with...
Ted Cruz has a new theory: the American political media is in possession of “bombshell” stories about Donald Trump that could ruin him, but are choosing to not publish them for some reason. Ted, I’m here to tell you: we’ve got nothing, and we’re all really fucking freaked out about it.
“"Rubio actually leads Trump by 48% to 23%
among the nearly 1-in-5 voters who have already cast their ballots in this “early vote” state."”
What man in his right mind brags about the size of his penis during a presidential debate?
A pattern is starting to emerge that holds both promise and peril for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.
October 14, 2014 C-SPAN http://MOXNews.com