Trump and the rest of the field are running nearly even.
The media keeps suggesting that Cruz helped bring about the rise of Trump by not attacking him early on. In fact Cruz was asked about this tonight on both CNN and Fox News. But before I show you hi…
Subscribe for more Film Theories! ►► http://bit.ly/1dI8VBH Luke Shouldn't DESTROY the Death Star ►► http://bit.ly/1oHICRv We Found The SIMPSONS ►► http://bit...
If all three R’s stay in the race, the only other means to beat Trump would be to deny him the needed 1,237 delegates — in which case Cleveland convention delegates would choose the nominee. (In 1976, Ronald Reagan supporters tried, but failed, to bump out front-runner Gerald Ford with a convention vote.) The surest way to dump Trump is with a rival who wins more delegates than The Donald. Being famous gave the reality TV star access to priceless free airtime. Breathless TV pundits then marveled at Trump’s genius for getting away with crude, childish remarks. Because (sarcasm alert) that’s never happened before with a celebrity. Trump also won the most states and delegates, thanks to a crowded field that helped him despite polls that show most Republican voters don’t want Trump. Or maybe as Cruz spokesman Ron Nehring wrote in an email, “Donald Trump as the nominee gives you President Hillary Clinton, a Democratic Senate and a Supreme Court that’s lost for a generation.”
I love being constantly called a racist, a sexist, and being collectively blamed for the slave trade! Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FO...
Mark Levin on Media: 'I Don't Need Any Middlemen'
Hillary Clinton is now setting a campaign theme that should provide a golden opportunity for Republicans, if Republicans play their cards right.
"I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th," Trump tweeted in 2013.
After devastating Republican presidential primary losses, this is the last thing Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) wants to answer questions about. According to a bombshell report, Rubio has a long history …
The social justice fascists protesting The Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro's event at CSULA didn't just assault a disabled man, they also allegedly assaulted a deaf girl, and the police targeted the girl instead of the thuggish protesters.
Pulitzer Prize Winning Reporter Details Trump's Mob Ties, Dealings with Criminals and Business Scams
CNN - February 29, 2016 http://www.TrumpQuestions.com
NEW YORK – In a bitter fight for its life, establishment GOP leaders have decided to block Donald Trump?s nomination at all costs, even if it means losing the presidency to Hillary Clinton, says Roger Stone, co-author of the 2015 bestselling book ?The Clintons? War on Women,? and the recently published ?Jeb! and the Bush [?]
The president of ultra-liberal Oberlin College is standing by the professor who has been posting a slew of anti-Semitic rants and bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories on social media. The prestigious O…
The Koch brothers, the most powerful conservative mega donors in the United States, will not use their $400 million political arsenal to try to block Republican front-runner Donald Trump's path to the presidential nomination, a spokesman told Reuters on Wednesday.
As Super Tuesday has come and gone and Ben Carson still has yet to gain any momentum in the Republican race, the retired neurosurgeon plans to continue his presidential bid until God tells him that it is time to quit, Carson's wife has said.
Writing about the Trump test for principled Republicans, Politics & Ideas columnist William Galston says Chris Christie flunked. Nikki Haley and Ben Sasse aced it—let’s see how others do.
Like Clinton in 2008, Sanders refuses to accept the reality of defeat. In contrast, Hillary now has her eyes on the prize, and a ruthless Republican opponent
In this first video in the new FIREWALL series, host Bill Whittle shows what four, five, six, seven or more decades of Death by Democrats has done to our nat...
The EU signed on to the Paris climate treaty but won’t be able to keep its promise. The entire enterprise is a sham.
Please hear me out. If, If - They could iron out their Differences this Would Work against Hillary for sure or whoever is the democratic nominee! GOPe
The News Corp. chairman also said Trump is "reaching out to make peace" with the GOP.
Mr. Rubio was all business the day after a string of defeats in Super Tuesday contests, leaving aside the mean jokes about Mr. Trump.