
Ever since 2013, Marco Rubio has been working to convince conservatives that more immigration is just what this country needs.


European officials are instructing third world migrants on how to treat women in the civilized world. Groping, fondling and rape ...


"...expressed shock at this poll."


Doing so would hobble the billionaire’s ability to take the White House—making it the most potent piece of leverage left to conservatives.


And how it could spell disaster for his campaign on Super Tuesday.


The new Texas law allowing people to carry guns on state college campuses appears to be putting a big chill in the halls of academe.


Earlier today Romney called out Trump for not releasing his taxes so the voters could see them. Romney suggested it was because there’s a bombshell in there he doesn’t want the voters t…


Many Americans don’t have to worry about giving Uncle Sam part of their hard-earned cash for their income taxes this year. An estimated 45.3 percent of American households — roughly 77.5 million — …


A federal district judge sentenced former state Sen. Leland Yee, a San Francisco Democrat, to five years in prison Wednesday for trading political favors for campaign contributions. He was also fined $20,000.


As Mr. Trump inches closer to being the party’s presidential nominee, Republicans fear he won’t back the conservative agenda pushed by Mr. Ryan, the House speaker.


“We had people who didn't really seem to understand finances,” he said. “Or maybe they did—maybe they were doing it on purpose."


Two conservative law professors have adopted the rhetoric of the regressive left in objection to post-mortem critiques of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.


In this election, so many of Millennials’ minds are held captive by socialism, the envious notion that was imported from Europe by the American left. In this time for choosing, the only way to break the bonds of their captivity is to show them that the freedom they crave is incompatible with a state that would manage their lives. In order to do that, they need to choose from bold colors, not pale pastels, to quote Reagan’s speech to Young Americans for Freedom in 1975.


Republicans in Congress are trying to figure out whether to jump on Trump bandwagon or not.


His coalition is a lot broader -- and more diverse -- than is often assumed.


Mark Levin spent his first hour exposing Rubio’s amnesty lies, calling him a front man for amnesty in his first segment and warning that Rubio may seriously be a manchurian candidate in his l…


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES There’s quite a debate within the Democratic party as to whether Obama’s SCOTUS nominee should get a hearing before the election. Some very sharp differences of opinion on display here. Take a look and see who you think is more persuasive: Wow, Joe Biden sure raises some compelling points there. What do you think? Denver to Host 2016 RedState | Read More »


“Come out to @CalStateLA at 2 PM on Thursday at USU and stand with #freespeech! (Unnecessary note: of course, no violence will be tolerated.)”


The federal government has failed to properly monitor enrollee eligibility for Obamacare, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). As a result, the government has made billions of dollars in Obamacare subsidy payments to individuals that may have been committing fraud.
“When the government wastes money, it is wasting OUR money. It is cutting OUR pay. It is damaging OUR lives,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.


The 2012 GOP candidate isn't confident in the 2016 front-runner.


The largest wildlife reserve in Zimbabwe said it may be forced to cull 200 of its lions after the predator’s population “exploded” due to hunters being scared off by international outrage over the killing of Cecil the lion last year.


American Conservative Union accused Rubio of making a "rookie mistake" in skipping CPAC


Hans von Spakovsky, a Heritage Foundation fellow, last week argued that the Supreme Court should count the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's votes in cases in which the justices have already cast preliminary votes.
During an interview with American Family Radio’s Sandy Rios, von Spakovsky noted that after hearing oral arguments, the justices meet and cast votes in the case before writing the decision.


Trump dominated almost every category of voter in Nevada.


Welcome to the new lynch mobs: If enough angry people believe a man is guilty of rape, then he is guilty of rape, and to hell with due process.