
Vote Hillary's Vag 2016

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Do you have a vagina? So does Hillary Clinton! You should vote for her because you both have vaginas! Other Channels ----------------------------------------...
Former U.S. Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey says that a criminal charge is justified in the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
(The Hill) Some money from Iran’s sanctions relief is likely to go to terrorists, Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged Thursday. Still, he said, he has yet to see that happen, adding there will be consequences if Iran uses the money to fund terrorism. “I think that some of it will end up in the […]
The U.S. military and intelligence community suspect one of the detainees swapped for Sgt Bowe Bergdahl has turned to mlitary activites.
“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg on Wednesday said a possible Donald Trump presidency signals that “maybe it’s time” for her to move out of the country.
Project Veritas has released its third undercover video of another Common Core executive revealing the political ideology behind the national educational standards. And this time the anti-American agenda is made clear.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES The National Review, the very legacy of William F. Buckley, has put out two hard-hitting pieces regarding the candidacy and possible nomination of Donald J. Trump as the Republican choice for president. While neither piece is going to be very persuasive to the crowd of Trump bandwagoners both among the populace and the media, they are nonetheless a line | Read More »
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES I know it’s flabbergasting that a RedState contributor would oppose Donald Trump, and instead support candidates that RedState has supported and loved for years: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. But I have reasons that I will never support Donald Trump in an election (primary or general), and he can never even get my vote. Here’s why. Credibility Donald Trump | Read More »
On Thursday evening, National Review released a primal ragescream of conservative intellectualism: an entire issue devoted to bashing Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. Now, I have my own biases on this issue – this week alone, I’ve characterized Trump as the establishment pick over Ted Cruz, slammed Trump for his establishment-style attacks on Cruz, and stated that he has “no central guiding values other than his own glorification.” And I agree with virtually everything written about Trump in this National Review special edition.
When a million people descend on San Francisco later this month to revel in Super Bowl festivities, they can see a performance by Alicia Keys, a fireworks display and art by local artists. What they won’t see much of are hordes of homeless people.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Goldman Sachs once gave Ted Cruz’s campaign a $1.43 million loan. His campaign also got a loan of less than $500,000 from Citibank. According to Donald Trump, in a claim that has been repeated roughly a billion times, that means THEY OWN HIM. Even though, as far as I can tell, all or part of these loans have been | Read More »
Gerald Molen, a voting member of the Academy who earned a best picture Oscar for producing Schindler's List, has some very choice words for the "spoiled brats" who are crying racism over the lack of diversity in the nominations this time around.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Ted Cruz took some time out of his campaign schedule yesterday to sit down with ABC’s George Stephanopolous. Stephanopolous’ first question out of the gate was about Trump’s recent attacks on Cruz. Cruz’s response, basically, was to point out the obvious fact that Trump is basically obssessed with him, and that Cruz is not going to respond in kind. | Read More »
Is it an appeal to save the party, or collective desperation to remain relevant while suffering from a debilitating misunderstanding of the very electorate they claim to both respect and represent? Whatever the case, it is an unprecedented and remarkable thing to see so many high-profile, self-titled “conservatives” joining forces to condemn the single strongest …
We have never had total war against a candidate like we're seeing with Donald Trump. All elements of national media are uniting to stop him.  Look for a fake Trump scandal to break -- probably from a conservative news outlet -- right before the Iowa caucus. 
Trump Gains Thousands of New Social-Media Followers at Democratic Debate
National Review, the conservative magazine founded by William F. Buckley, published a special issue on Friday opposing Donald Trump's bid for the presidency.

Debunking the Term Islamophobia

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

JOY REID: There really is this sense, as Bruce Bartlett told me, that for 30 or 40 years you've had the elites of the Republican party amass a large enough coalition to pass the things that the elites wanted. Namely low taxes for themselves and deregulation for their businesses. And they assembled a large enough coalition by essentially ceding blue collared white voters everything from evangelicalism and supporting them in terms of their religious faith and promising them that they would legislate around that. Promising them that they would legislate around social issues that were important to them. Promising them that they would beat back the creeping liberalizing of the culture. By feeding them even with their deep down gut feelings that there was something really inherently wrong with Barack Obama. To be able to hold that together with the help of the entertainment complex that is part of the conservative movement, with the help of movement conservatives. Immigration is where the bargain just broke down. And that base, the base of the party is no longer willing to go along with any part of the elite. Not the movement conservatives. Not the money elite part of the party. They're just not willing to go along with it. Immigration was the deal-breaker and they are gone. They cannot be brought back into the tent. Not even by the mighty National Review. None of the people who are going to Trump are going to read that. They are not going to listen to those people. They are not listening.
It's rare that victims of IRS abuse find satisfaction, but the Tea Party groups it mistreated will get their chance. Maybe next will be an audit of the IRS.
The two men, aged 17 and 31 were arrested in Essen, western Germany. Police discovered one of the men was armed with a pair of scissors, while the second was carrying a cannister of pepper spray.
"Perhaps the black actors did not deserve to make the final list"
Hillary Clinton's finances resemble the Wall Street antics she criticizes, and her email scandal and Bill's sex scandal won't go away.
Not even a special performance by singer Demi Lovato improved the mood of some supporters who were unimpressed by Democratic candidate’s brevity