
Diamond and Silk break down the truth about Ted Cruz and all of the other Career Politicians. Our Future President Donald Trump is still on Top and can't be ...


The new Sharecare voice analysis app shows how the Republican candidates handled the heat in last night's debate.


The more I think about the explosive exchange between Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald Trump about “New York values,” the less I think it will hurt Cruz, and the more cynical and gross both Trump and the media seem. Here’s the text of the relevant portion of the exchange: BARTIROMO: Senator Cruz, you suggested Mr. Trump, quote, “embodies New York values.” Could you explain what you mean by that? CRUZ: You know, I think most people know exactly what New York values are. BARTIROMO: I am from New York. I don’t.


President Obama finally finds something he doesn't want taxed: Tampons


The producers for Fox’s “24” reboot are reportedly seeking a non-white actor to take over for longtime series star Kiefer Sutherland.


Marco Rubio: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Discounts For Illegal Aliens


A loan from Citibank, in addition to one from Goldman Sachs disclosed this week, should have been reported to the Federal Election Commission.


The commander-in-chief needed his beauty sleep.


‘I need you to throw away money on Jeb — out of loyalty,’ a fundraiser told donors.


The Times releases audio of Donald Trump making comments he said never came out of his mouth.


This may be the cultural fight Team Cruz wants to have.


Bumps in media coverage for Trump don't increase his polling numbers, but they may stifle coverage of other candidates.


There are plenty of differences between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, but when it comes to trade policies, they're pretty much in lockstep.


Michelle Malkin: 'My Base Is Fed Up with Fox' News Channel; Murdoch 'Treacherous Bedfellow'


In today's political DMCA spat, $10 sticker sales are pitted against fair use.


The GOP candidate previously said Snowden appeared to have done "a considerable public service."


Oh, and older college graduates are smarter than young ones.


‘We’re almost terrorized …. “Shut up. Toe the line,”’ committeeman tells Republican colleagues in a closed-door meeting.


Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media: "This is the most shocking crime I have read about in Canada in a year. And yet there’s a media blackout about it." PLUS guests Paige MacPherson and Milo Yiannopoulos


Miscommunication whips up worries about infiltration.


Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Closing statements part 7