
The Democratic presidential candidate said that while sexism is less pronounced, it's still prevalent in politics


As he ponders an independent run for the White House, former Sen. James Webb of Virginia has retained the services of Sam Jones, the national finance director for the past effort to draft Vice President Joseph R. Biden into the race.


While interviewing Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz for the Wednesday edition of ABC’s World News Tonight, Republican campaign correspondent Tom Llamas demanded Cruz explain how he could “be a president and hate the Democrats and hate the culture of Washington so much and be effective.”


Near the top of the Wednesday monologue of his eponymous TBS show, Conan O’Brien joked that Donald Trump reminded him of Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in the way he sculpts his hair and interacts with crowds. Upon pretending to form his hair into more like Trump’s, O’Brien remarked: “I like that Mussolini thing he does. He looks out at the crowd. He's got this guy on his head.”


Ralf Jaeger told the BBC that what happens on right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is "at least as awful" as the Cologne sex attacks.


Bernie Sanders has said from the start of his campaign for president that it’s an outr


It resembled a 'civil war' and 'refugees had to be released because the cells in all the police stations were full'. A new video has surfaced online shedding more light on the massive New Years Eve rape in Cologne, Germany by Muslim refugees.


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The requests, filed under the Freedom of Information Act, mainly seek correspondence between the candidates and Pentagon officials.


Fiorina: I Would Have Left My Husband and Apologiz To Women If He Behaved Like Bill, Not Attacked His Accusers Like Hillary


School newspaper op-ed pulled due to 'insensitivity.'


Other fiscal conservatives opposed $3 billion in subsidies for crop insurance.


Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.) says Obama's actions are unconstitutional.


Ahead of Pres. Obama’s invitation-only town hall gun discussion at George Mason University, the school sent out an email reminding students that the Second Amendment exists on campus—just not for students and staff.


Hillary Clinton held a rally today in Henderson, Nevada. Only a couple hundred turned out to hear the former Secretary ...


A Jezebel blogger pitched an online fit after a tattoo artist denied her request for a neck tattoo. His response is impressive.


Inspector general review finds long-standing problems with public records at agency.


This is a true story. Those words appear onscreen to open 13 Hours, the major motion picture about Benghazi, in theaters on January 15. And with them, director Michael Bay announced that he is taking sides in the long-running debate over the attacks there on September 11, 2012.
For three years, the White House and its defenders in the media have characterized the Libya raids as a tragedy, a series of unfortunate events that were utterly unpreventable and for which no one is much to blame. Many of those who were on the ground in Libya, CIA contractors and diplomats alike, see them as something quite different. To them, Benghazi represents bureaucratic indifference and incompetence before the attacks, deadly governmental indecision and fecklessness during the attacks, and official deception and dishonesty after the attacks.
This is their story. And the fact that it's a story familiar to readers of The Weekly Standard indicates that Bay, the man behind the blockbuster Transformers movies, has taken sides in a way that one might not expect from a successful Hollywood director.


Sen. Ted Cruz, who is working to solidify his lead in the crucial early voting state, on Wednesday accused President Barack Obama of wanting to take Americans' guns away despite his assurances otherwise.


Fox News host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday night dinged the National Rifle Association for its statement opposing President Obama's new executive orders regarding background checks, arguing that the government should conduct background checks on everyone who purchases guns.
"The NRA and gun owners should be reasonable. The FBI should background check anyone buying a firearm in America. That just makes sense," O'Reilly said on his show. "If you are paranoid and believe the government is stockpiling information so they can come to your house and take your guns, that's your problem, your problem. But the government has an obligation to enhance public safety."


Leaked police report claims senior police officers feared fatalities and that one of those involved in attacks told officers: “I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me"


French officials say a knifeman, possibly wearing an explosive vest, who attacked a Paris police station has been shot dead.