“To talk about containment is really a joke,” said Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) to Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace on Sunday. Asked about ISIS’s global footprint and the threat it posed to American and other countries outside of the Middle East, Burr said the Islamic terrorist organization is currently in thirty different countries and has a reach across Europe and in North America.
State Department officials are set to release roughly 7,800 pages of Hillary Clinton's private emails Monday amid new speculation about the former secretary of state's official meeting schedule. The email production Monday afternoon will kick off a countdown to the final two Clinton email releases, which will take place at the end of December and January respectively. Hundreds of the official emails Clinton hosted on a private server in her home have been published in batches since May of this year. The State Department released more than 7,000 pages of emails last month, surpassing its goal of having 51 percent of the records posted online by that time. By the end of September, the agency had published 19,569 pages of the roughly 55,000 she turned over to the government late last year. The email release Monday will come the same day details from Clinton's official calendar were publicized by the Associated Press, which obtained the meeting schedules through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The same open records law has forced the State Department to produce Clinton's emails on a rolling basis.
While certain Republican presidential candidates have drawn the ire of reporters and evoked comparisons to the Holocaust for daring to discuss a national registry for Muslims, approximately one out of four Democrats support forcing Jews and Christians...
The Saudi monarchy is trying to buy influence in Washington by giving US officials expensive gifts, says an analyst.
Donald Trump held a press conference today after his meeting with black pastors today, saying that it was an amazing meeting and that he did get endorsements...
The brazenness of the double standard is increasingly stunning. This time around? The dustup began as an offshoot of Donald Trump’s allegation that Muslims in Jersey City cheered as the towers fell on 9/11.
It was one of those stunning live-TV moments revealing the seamier side of TV news.  Pat Brown is a criminal profiler who has taken a principled stand on media appearances about mass murderers. She will not discuss individual criminals, their motives, etc., believing that to do so only increases the number of mass murders.  But when Brown appeared on CNN's New Day this morning, co-host Christi Paul immediately tried to engage her in a discussion of Colorado Springs shooter Robert Dear's possible "anti-government" views. Retorted Brown: "I'm a little disturbed because I made an agreement with CNN to appear this morning only under the condition that we do not talk about the particular shooter, use his name, or show his face." Undeterred, Paul tried to lure Brown into a discussion of the shooting investigation, but again Brown rebuffed it There the interview ended, but co-host Victor Blackwell came on to claim that the agreement had been honored because neither Dear's photo nor name had been used.  Didn't use Dear's name? Really? Have a look at the screencap, Mr. Blackwell. 
The militant group is taking advantage of the chaos after Moammar Ghadafi was ousted.
Mike Allen says he wouldn't have followed through with it.
"...not a day care."
The State Department released 7,800 new emails Monday.
Ted Cruz doesn't want any part of the media-created "food fight" between the other Republican candidates and front-runner Donald Trump.
This week, there will be much talk of climate change and many images meant to remind us that we face certain hell if we don’t reduce CO2 emissions. As an environmentalist, independent thinker,...
The more seriously you take the need to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, the angrier you should be.
University students upset by an image of a Confederate flag sticker on a laptop were offered counseling services at Framingham State U.
Over 200 people have been arrested in Paris after a climate change protest at the memorial site for the victims of the city's terrorist attacks turned violent, the Associated Press reported. Prote
Military service is in my blood. My father was a 3-Star General in the U.S. Air Force, my uncle a 3-Star General in the Army.
French President Francois Hollande on Sunday condemned the "scandalous" behaviour of far-left activists who clashed with riot police in an area dedicated for memorials to the Paris attacks ahead of key UN climate talks. Around 100 people were arrested after a small group of protesters at the central Place de la Republique square pelted officers with bottles as well as candles that had been left in tribute to the victims of the November 13 attacks. "These disruptive elements have nothing to do with defenders of the environment," Hollande said at an EU-Turkey summit in Brussels.
Of the 21,748 people who have been given deportation orders by Sweden's Migration Agency last month – the largest number in history, by the way – 14,140 are registered by police as "departed" or "wanted," the Swedish website The Local reports. "We simply don't know where they are," said Patrik Engström, the head of the national border police.
Getting all those diplomats, negotiators, and journalists to the Paris climate talks will add about 22 seconds of carbon dioxide to the global yearly total.
Planned Parenthood kills unborn children. They sell the body parts of some of those unborn children to research facilities. All of this is true. But according to the left, even stating such facts drives insane people to murder doctors at abortion clinics. Thus, such factual talk must be curbed. Intellectual luminary Bette Midler tweeted: Thanks to overheated screeds spewing from the mouths of the GOP, and in Congress, innocent people have died in CO, including a policeman.
Davos this year seems more filled with hypocrisy than usual. Where else can you hear lectures on global warming from a group that flew private jets to attend?
11/30/2015: Steve Doocy seems to back up Donald Trump’s story, saying he remembers seeing video on TV of people celebrating the 9/11 attacks and that his own...