She said the group began researching Republican candidates earlier this year and decided on Cruz as the candidate whose positions most clearing

My Girlfriend Hates Donald Trump

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3158/the-forced-redistribution-of-p00ntang-call-in-show-december-21st-2015 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyne...
If the GOP doesn’t get its act together, more than the presidency is endangered.
'Allahu Akbar': It Means Almost Everything -- Except What The Establishment Media Says
The GOP presidential candidate faced questions on politics, music and football.
Presidential hopeful and gun lobby favorite Ted Cruz is raffling off a shotgun engraved with his official campaign logo.
In the latest episode of the popular podcast "Serial," Bowe Bergdahl revealed the quirky details of his captivity with the Taliban, including two attempted escapes. While imprisoned, Bergdahl said it was a "high honor" among the guards to watch over him. To pass the time, Bergdahl said the...
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There will never be a peaceful solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict so long as the Arab side pretends that Jews have no ties to the Land of Israel.

Feminist trouble

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Camille Paglia assesses the parlous state of today’s feminism.
He released a new ad, titled “Victories,” portraying him as a successful fighter for conservative causes.
This is a very confusing Christmas for a lot of people who apparently have never seen a guy dress up like a chick for comedy. Now it’s a big ol’ social justice movement. Because everyth…
Every year, in the week between Christmas and New Year’s, I think about George W. Bush.
President Ronald Reagan speaks to the American people to announce that the U.S. military has launched air strikes against the African country of Libya. The s...
A Republican polling firm uses a different Agrabah question to show that many Democrats are ignorant, too. But that does not not let Republicans off the hook. It merely reinforces the point that political ignorance is a serious problem across the political spectrum. Partisans would do well to stop pretending that it only afflicts the other side's voters.
The story so far: loony, entitled, race hustlers at Oxford University are campaigning for the removal of a statue of Cecil Rhodes.
I haven't yet read Ta-Nahesi Coates' new book, Between the World and Me. But I did find myself groaning while reading Rich Lowry's review of it at Politico
A Minneapolis city council member is under fire for posting phone numbers and the home addresses of those criticizing the Black Lives Matter protests on Sunday.  Many in the community think councilwoman Alondra Cano went too far.
CNN anchor Carol Costello spoke with Black Lives Matter activist Asha Long about the tactics used in Minneapolis on Wednesday. This clip constitutes Fair Use...
The Most Reverend Justin Welby describes Islamist extremists as "a Herod of today" in his Christmas Day sermon.
Presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during a news conference in December about police reform and preventing people of color from being victimized by police officers. (Photo: Joshua Lott/Getty Images)
California's schools are, in many cases, a child's first exposure to people different than their family members. They might speak different languages, look different or believe in different things. But legally, there's one thing their teachers cannot be: Communists.
The revelation comes in a January 2015 document that was capured by U.S. special forces in Syria in May.
Donald Trump & Concerns Growing Over GOP Nominee's Impact On Retaining Senate Seats - America's News HQ ==============================­=========­=­=== **Plea...