
"...something I can't stand watching."


The Jisser family has owned their mobile home park in California’s Palo Alto since 1986, and now they want to turn their investment into apartments or condos – but they’re running into stiff resistance from the local government and angry activists, in a battle that’s landed in court.


The Washington Post ran a racially charged cartoon mocking Ted Cruz's children as chained, dancing monkeys. Do they understand why it was a problem?


Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is not doing well in polls centered on her honesty and trustworthiness.


It made sense. Knowing that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that our industrialized world is adding a large amount of it to the atmosphere on a yearly basis, I accepted the premise that this would cause global temperatures to rise. But one day about 7 years ago, I looked at the ubiquitous graph showing the “global” temperature of the last 150 years and noticed something odd. It was subtle, and as I found out later, disguised so that it would be overlooked. There appeared to be a period of about 40 years between 1940 and 1980 where the global temperatures actua


The nearly universal change from wishing fellow Americans "Merry Christmas" to wishing them "Happy Holidays" is a very significant development in American life.


Increasingly, it seems that those who are most likely to lecture anyone within earshot about what the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria supposedly wants...


Morning Joe panel warns Hillary Clinton about her charges of sexism.


Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is ramping up enforcement and oversight of the state's gun laws, which were updated last year as a response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut.


A group of seven men sang a favourite war-chant of the Islamic State and tried to recruit fellow passengers while riding on the Berlin U-Bahn railway.


After getting a good scare from a challenge from Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton has regained a sense of inevitability about her quest for the Democratic...


Hillary Clinton's health has become the focus of many people's concerns, so, with the help of WebMD, The Daily Caller offers up the following diagnosis. (RELATED: Limbaugh On Clinton’s LONG Bathr


Political commentator Kurt Schlichter argued that with Hillary Clinton's enabling, Bill Clinton was able to turn "the Oval Office into a frat house and his intern into a humidor." Tuesday on "CNN


Lawmakers were amused at Paul Ryan's naiveté for thinking that Reid is someone their party can trust.


House Vote #705 in 2015, in the United States Congress.


Pat Brady channels Call of Duty on Donald Trump.


A driver screaming "Allahu Akbar" (Arabic for "God is great") appeared to deliberately mow down about a dozen pedestrians in the French city of Dijon.


She might want to sit in on a better-than-average math class before stating goals like this.


C-SPAN compiled data on all senators running for the White House.


A secret tape from a New York fundraiser could mean trouble for a candidate selling authenticity.


Gun violence has had a profound impact on NBA stars Steph Curry, Chris Paul, Joakim Noah, Carmelo Anthony and thousands of Americans.