
In Ohio, Nevada, Florida, and elsewhere, Democrats who were once cozy with the NRA are facing questions and attacks in primaries.


Even as he prepares to take action on gun violence on his own authority, President Obama could turn to another source of potential source of executive action: The nation's governors.


After being the epicenter of racial unrest on college campuses across the country, the University of Missouri isn’t feeling the holiday spirit.


An intelligence report formally found that at least two of Hillary Clinton’s emails stored on a private server while she was secretary of state were “top secret,” according to a Fox News report. Fox cited two sources familiar with the intelligence community review, who said it was a “settled...


They still refuse to look in the mirror.


Police raise alarm about asylum seekers entering Norway


The story of Chappaquiddick is being made into a film; producer says it will show audiences what Ted Kennedy "had to go through."


MSNBC host Chris Matthews seems to have a problem with those who would call the torturers, rapists, and murderers who populate the ranks of ISIS as "animals."


In what may be the worst series of attacks by the liberal media on Ted Cruz, Monday’s Nightly Show on Comedy Central featured host Larry Wilmore declaring that the “creepy” Cruz may be mentally disturbed with guest Aida Rodriguez firmly asserting that, if elected, Cruz’s agenda would be to “do everything the KKK does.”


Sanity — and Santa — have been restored at a Brooklyn public elementary school where St. Nick was banned, the Pledge of Allegiance was dropped and Thanksgiving was replaced with a “harvest festival...


During a segment on her Monday MSNBC show using the third anniversary of the Newtown school shooting to demand gun control, host Andrea Mitchell pleaded for national legislation: “Andrew Cuomo, the governor who passed really tough gun legislation in New York....Yet he has said that it is impossible task because you can't do it state by state.”


Seven Ted Cruz 2016 mobile phone app users will get tickets to “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”


Everyone ready to congratulate the federal government on doing their job? Great!


As we're swimming in speculation about Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Jeb and company on the eve of Tuesday’s Las Vegas debate, this question arises:


Eating a healthier diet rich in fruit and vegetables could actually be more harmful to the environment than consuming some meat, a US study has claimed. Lettuce is “over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon”, according to researchers from the Carnegie Mellon University who analysed the impact per calorie of different foods in terms of energy cost, water use and emissions.


Maryland Muslim charged with supporting the Islamic State Muslim ex-Illinois Guardsman pleads guilty in Islamic State plot


Teenage computer experts unveil astonishing web of unpublicised interactions linking extremist social media mouthpieces to the British government


Ted Cruz moves into second as Ben Carson fades to a tie with Marco Rubio for third.


An exuberant Donald Trump predicted Monday night that he would be victorious at this week's CNN Republican presidential debate.


On Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi, Libya, Hillary Clinton appeared at Andrews air force base, where she spoke with family members of those slain.


A suburban Philadelphia school expelled "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" from its curriculum over the book's overuse of the N-word. The Friends’ Central School removed the Mark Twain classic from t...


One hesitates to give attention to Jesse A. Myerson. But it's probably worth it, if for no other reason to contend that many of his beliefs are likely shared by the mindless lemmings disguised as "journalists" who wildly cheered on Saturday when an obviously orchestrated "climate change" agreement designed ultimately to redistribute massive amounts of wealth from developed to underdeveloped countries — which would virtually guarantee that they will stay undeveloped — was announced in Paris. Almost two years ago, Myerson, whose experience includes "the Media and Labor Outreach committees at Occupy Wall Street," identified of "Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For" in a Rolling Stone column. A week ago at The Nation, he vacuously attempted to elaborate on one of those five ideas, namely: "Let’s get rid of private housing."


It's hard to find a self-respecting liberal these days who doesn't denounce Donald Trump as "a fascist." If you Google "fascist," the first thing that pops up on the screen is a photo of Trump.