We understand that you've been a victim of sexual abuse. Congratulations! You are hereby ordered...
In The Wall Street Journal, Matt Mayer writes about the need for better security measures in the Visa Waiver Program.
Fake Syrian passports aren’t exactly a dime a dozen, but they can be had for as little as $200, according to a report from the Department of Homeland Security that could call into question the ability to screen Middle East refugees fleeing to the West.
A new Channel 2 Action News poll of Georgia Republicans shows that voters support Donald Trump over any other candidate for the 2016 election.
After two years, one VA employee charged with beating a 70-year old veteran to death is still working at the Alexandria VA, in Louisiana, after VA absolved the nurse’s aide of wrongdoing.
Under today's prevailing wage rules, H-1B workers can be paid well less than half that amount in some U.S. regions.
In a speech from the Senate floor, Sen. Ben Sasse called the San Bernardino attack an act of war in an ongoing fight against radical Islam.
In this instance liberals took him out of context.
Ribble says Trump behaves like a "sixth-grader" and appeals to "the worst parts of who we are as people."
New photos obtained by Fox News appear to challenge Bowe Bergdahl's claim that he abandoned post in 2009 to draw attention to leadership problems in the Army, according to a former platoon mate who served with the Idaho native in Afghanistan.
Sen. Mike Lee dropped the hammer on Sen. Marco Rubio, essentially accusing his colleague of lying in criticisms of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
How would you rewrite the U.S. tax code? An interactive infographic to better understand the way our tax system works.
President Obama’s spokesman said Thursday that the record number of Americans seeking to buy guns in recent weeks is “a tragedy” that the White House is at a loss to explain.
A new report about the Bergdahl terrorist swap shows Obama broke the law by making the exchange. Breitbart reports: The ...
Is affirmative action really doomed? Maybe not.
Medical expert: Gray’s injury “non-survivable.” Police expert: “Porter’s conduct objectively reasonable.” BPD Officer: "No one's belted in."
As we await a final decision from the climate summit underway in Paris I'm reminded of this classic video... A prius owner absolutely loses her mind at a Farme
Gov. Jerry Brown informed the Ecole Normale Superieure University in Paris that climate change could be compared to nuclear war.
The Obama administration wants to completely sideline discussion of terrorism, because it contradicts the claim that al-Qaida is dwindling
Ben Shapiro "crosses the line" at Otay Ranch High School in California.
This is what happens when you don't have enough shame and judgment. His name is Paul Wolscht. Paul is a 52-year-old pervert, a "transgender" activist, and a "trans consultant" from Canada who was recently given a glowing profile in a gay news site whose name and web address...
Ronald Reagan gives this address to Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) at a 1975 meeting. He talks about how to use bold banners, not pale pastels, when activ...
Ben Carson, citing reports that Republican Party leaders are discussing the prospects of a brokered convention, threatened Friday to leave the party if there are signs that the nomination process is being manipulated.
“The Establishment's only hope: Trump & me in a cage match.
Sorry to disappoint -- @realDonaldTrump is terrific. #DealWithIt”
rochelle robinson and lynette hardaway of "the viewers view" came to the stage at donald j trump's raleigh campaign rally. donald trump shares the stage with...