The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has sought the media spotlight following the San Bernardino terror attack last week.
The administration broke the law, the Armed Services Committee says.
“Bob Vander Plaats, President and CEO of @theFAMiLYLEADER, puts support behind @tedcruz. @TeamCavuto”
By now you've read (or studiously avoided) approximately 8,517 articles, columns, and blog posts about Donald Trump and Muslims. I imagine we've reached a point where everything that can be said about Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from the country has already been said. Actually, as with most news...
Rubio's bold claim earns a rare Geppetto Checkmark.
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul says the United States should pause immigration from 33 countries.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz is betting that Southern evangelicals will be his linchpin to securing a path to the Republican nomination for president. His message of God, guns and liberty is especially appealing in a region that has a prominent place on the 2016 primary calendar.
Here is a condensed version of President Obama's speech from the Oval Office on Sunday night, unofficially translated into plain English.
Two of the terrorists who attacked Paris on Friday were identified as French citizens who lived in the Molenbeek district of the Belgium capital Brussels, CNN reports. The New York Times, among oth
“With the exception of POTUS, the Atty General, both leading presidential candidates, the media, and universities, Americans love free speech”
Online feminists and social justice warriors (SJWs) have been fool by users of an Internet forum into starting a campaign to ban mistletoe.
The nation's middle class, long a pillar of the U.S. economy and foundation of the American dream, has shrunk to the point where it no longer constitutes the majority of the adult population, according to a new major study.
UPDATED: Sweden's Employment Agency (Arbetsförmedlingen) has predicted that 60 percent of unemployed people living in Sweden will be foreign-born by 2017, while the jobless rate for Swedes is set to shrink.
Rep. Justin Amash says no-fly list, gun restrictions both wrong.
Dec. 8, the San Francisco Chronicle published a column suggesting that Democrats are more motivated to destroy the NRA than to wipe out ISIS.
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama - The latest news about Hillary Clinton Barack Obama from the WSJ Washington Wire Blog. Political Insight and Analysis From The Wall Street Journal's Capital Bureau
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Super PAC releases new Ted Cruz ad, drops 450K mail pieces in SC & IA; combined PACs commit 6-figures as consensus for Cruz builds.
PHILADELPHIA — The University of Pennsylvania has become the latest Ivy League institution to drop the title 'master' to refer to student dorm leaders following ...
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, under heavy criticism for his handling of a police shooting that resulted in the death of a black teen, gave an emotional apology on Wednesday hours before angry crowds closed city streets while demanding his resignation. Emanuel's speech was met with applause from the City Council, but protesters said the city's actions do not go far enough. Emanuel's speech comes after two weeks of protests in Chicago following the release of a 2014 police squad car dashboard video showing police officer Jason Van Dyke shooting 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times.
Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire: Hillary Clinton still insists she didn’t tell the grieving families of the Benghazi victims that an anti-Islam video was to blame. Yet family members say she said just...