
A photo said to show San Bernardino terror suspect Tashfeen Malik was obtained and published Friday afternoon by ABC News. https://twitter.com/ABC/status/672911019337879552/ The image provided the first glimpse of Malik since Wednesday's deadly attack in California killed 14 and wounded more than a dozen. News organizations, including...


"When medications interact."


My Gun Rights Outweigh Your Cowardly, Tyrant-Loving Ignorance


U.S. AG Loretta Lynch told American Muslims on Thursday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will be investigating the arrest of “Clock Boy.”


California has the strictest gun control in the nation, so Obama's politicization of San Bernardino rings sickeningly hollow.


The Senate moved Thursday to pass a budget bill that would repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood


Bill O'Reilly strongly disputed Donald Trump's claim that "thousands and thousands" of Muslims celebrated 9/11 in New Jersey.


Donald Trump, defying skeptics and overcoming an avalanche of mockery from establishment Republicans, has extended his streak as the party's presidential frontrunner for almost five months.


Republicans are calling for a comprehensive review of the U.S. visa system.


An unwavering focus on gun control in the wake of Wednesday’s shooting may leave the president in an uncomfortable and likely untenable position


In The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan writes about the San Bernardino massacre and “prayer shaming.”


The landlord who allowed media inside the home of the San Bernardino shooters spoke to reporters, saying he sealed the door because the media presence was "overwhelming."


America bears some of the blame for the bloody wave of Islamic extremism that has brought terrorism to San Bernardino, Paris and locations around the world, according to a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.


Diamond is upset and have something to say about Pastors bullying other pastors and trying to keep black people stuck (Extended Version) Like us on Facebook ...


Star Wars VII is coming out in two weeks — and the Iowa caucuses are just around the corner. Space nerds and political geeks unite! Which Star Wars character would your favorite candidate be? Red Alert compiled our list of who we think the 2016 contenders most resemble. Disagree? Comment below...


A swarm of reporters entered the apartment where Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik lived after the landlord tore off plywood that was blocking the door.


MY MOTIVATION I cherish my individual rights and liberty. I understand that, if man is to know freedom, these concepts must be founded on the notion of Natural Rights and the Social contract. Sad...


Despite platitudes by news anchors over the great economic recovery, the U6 unemployment rate has actually increased from Oct. 2015 to Nov. 2015.


President Eli Capilouto decided to shroud a controversial mural on campus after a group of students came to him with frustrations late last month.


Sheriff Arpaio on The Alan Colmes Show (12/03/2015)


Officials say they think that as the San Bernardino attack happened, female shooter Tashfeen Malik posted a pledge of allegiance to ISIS' leader on Facebook.


Ted Cruz talks about the Democrats' attempts to use the San Bernardino attack as an impetus for gun control.


My point is the Constitution is very clear that protecting Americans from outside threats is the number one duty of the President of the United States of America. Mr. Obama has failed in this duty.