San Bernardino law enforcement authorities report a mass shooting involving at least 20 victims just before 11 a.m. Pacific time.
The 59-year-old actress reprising her role as Leia in The Force Awakens has spoken out against a “Lord's Prayer” ad being banned by UK Cinemas because it could 'offend people'.
Over the weekend, as most of America was recovering from Thanksgiving, a truly shocking thing occurred. The 13-year-old conservative video sensation CJ Pearson announced he was no longer a conserva
Hint: It's not what the party's establishment thinks.
The outlook for the global economy next year is darkening, with a U.S. recession and China becoming the first major emerging market to slash interest rates to zero both potential scenarios, according to Citi. As the U.S. economy enters its seventh year of expansion following the 2008-09 crisis, the probability of recession will reach 65 percent, Citi's rates strategists wrote in their 2016 outlook published late on Tuesday. "The cumulative probability of U.S. recession reaches 65 percent next year," Citi's rates strategists wrote in their 2016 outlook published late on Tuesday.
Editor's note: Since the publication of this article, Franny's has retracted the ObamaCare surcharge. A letter sent to the restaurant's customers reads: "Given the stated preference of our guests a...
"The media doesn't report that..."
Top international global warming expert Sean Penn has given his verdict on the COP21 Paris climate conference climate deniers.
California's highest court stopped a project because it would contribute to climate change--though the court admitted it could not say how.
Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS.
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) recently released its 2015 annual report to Congress, and it includes an intriguing look at the China's space and counterspace programs.
Researchers from Tel-Aviv University scanned the brains of more than 1,400 men and women, focusing on anatomy rather than how the brains work.
Within days of demanding a total of $15 million from the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District, “Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed announced in a long distance phone interview from Qatar, he is homesick and wants to come home to Texas now.
In a couple recent instances, Trump has in fact changed his behavior and rhetoric after facing intense criticism from the press.
"Well I have great respect for President Obama. I think that he sets the right tone, he’s an intelligent guy, it’s about time we have an intelligent guy in that office."
"I'm telling you to knock it off because clearly no one else will."
“Video: Mass shootings don't happen in Europe; Paris was terrorism, not "locals" https://t.co/fvKT6eNnaD”
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Office of Diversity and Inclusion has come up with a list of “best practices” in order to ensure your workplace holiday party is “not a Christmas party in disguise."
Donald Trump’s plan to defeat the Islamic State involves destroying them — and their families.
Turkey’s leadership, including President Erdogan and his family, is involved in illegal oil trade with Islamic State militants, says the Russian Defense Ministry, stressing that Turkey is the final destination for oil smuggled from Syria and Iraq.
USA Today has put Ted Cruz in 2nd place, just behind Donald Trump, in their GOP Power Rankings, saying it’s the first time he’s been this high in the 14 weeks they’ve been doing t…
A politically incorrect, open letter...
Presidential elections are often decided on personality instead of specific policies.