
According to a recent student op ed, a bro-dude calling a room in his house a “man cave” is not just obnoxious but truly harmful to women and a “disgusting patriarchal myth.”


The campaign hasn't polarized Republican voters at all.


An FBI report in 2013 said that "dozens" of terrorists got through the United States's refugee system. According to ABC News, "several dozen terrorist bombmakers" might have gotten to the U.S. after being misidentified as war refugees. They came to this revelation after two al-Qaeda terrorists from Iraq were discovered in Kentucky living as refugees.


Democrats: If we don’t take more refugees, we’re playing right into ISIS’ master plan.


If you had watched last night's episode of South Park then you are probably aware of how it brilliantly mocked PC culture. In addition to it's hilarious mocking of PC, it also took on another topic, Saturday's Democrat presidential candidates debate. If you missed that debate, you can be forgiven because the DNC very intentionally wanted as few people to watch it as possible. However, thanks to a South Park scene of that debate many more people will become aware of it, including a topic that Hillary Clinton would prefer you not dwell upon. Although she came out in favor during the debate of admitting up to 65,000 Syrian refugees into this country, that position was taken to attract liberal Democrat primary voters. For the general election she would rather not spotlight this view which is already turning out to be electoral poison. Unfortunately for her, that was the debate topic South Park focused on. A trigger warning strong language alert for viewing the following scene:


Texas state Sen. Konni Burton, a Republican, used her social media accounts to bring attention to an explosive claim made by former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson on the “Steve Malzberg Show” Wednesday. Citing sources who have “worked in the Obama administration,” Attkisson reported officials believe President...


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) blasted Senate leadership for not considering refugee visa moratorium bill.


In a desperately misguided attempt to placate the palpable fear of allowing thousands of Muslim refugees into United States without proper security screenings just days after an Islamic terrorist attack, several left-leaning media outlets have fallen back on comparing the Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust to Muslim refugees fleeing a chaotic Middle East.


A poll released in November but ignored by the mainstream media shows that a third of Syrian refugees do not want the Muslim terrorist group ISIS defeated, reports Gateway Pundit.


Obama will veto a bill to strengthen the screening process for Syrian refugees, the White House said.


UnitedHealth Group, the largest insurance company in the U.S., on Thursday slashed its earnings outlook, citing new problems related to Obamacare, and told investors it may exit the program's exchanges.
In recent weeks, growth expectations for individual exchange participation have tempered industrywide, co-operatives have failed, and market data has signaled higher risks and more difficulties while our own claims experience has deteriorated, Stephen J. Hemsley, chief executive officer of UnitedHealth Group, said in a press release.
The release added that, UnitedHealthcare has pulled back on its marketing efforts for individual exchange products in 2016. The company is evaluating the viability of the insurance exchange product segment and will determine during the first half of 2016 to what extent it can continue to serve the public exchange markets in 2017.


I’ve written many times that one cannot listen to President Barack Obama’s words when he discusses the Islamic State and protecting America from terrorism.


"OMG, how many people do we have to kill around here to finally get our message across?"


It’s remarkable the president feels justified in lecturing anyone on humanitarianism.


A House bill on screening Syrian refugees has little to do with fighting global terror.


SACRAMENTO-- In the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Paris, politicians on both the state and federal level, in addition to candidates running for president, have publicly denounced the idea of th...


A list of demands was submitted to President Eisgruber before today's demonstration


Americans agree with Republican presidential candidates on refugees, but are divided on whether to send U.S. troops to Iraq and Syria to fight the Islamic State, according to the poll.


House Speaker Paul Ryan is ruling out making any cuts to Muslim immigration.


Donald Trump on Mosque Surveillance, ISIS, Marco Rubio and more.. #Breitbart News Daily #SiriusXM Patriot


I knew Windows 10 was not going to be one of Microsoft’s proudest moments when I asked a colleague to sketch out its three main advantages.


Obama's denunciation of Americans critical of his call to admit 10,000 refugees here is all the more grating.


"We love the Hispanic community. Yo hablo español," NBC News President Deborah Turness said at a contentious meeting with Latino House members.