
"Muslim immigrants will never..."


While the civilized world mourns for Paris and prepares to take the fight to ISIS, the official Palestinian Authority media is making the preposterous claim that Israel was behind Friday’s attacks that killed 129 in the French capital.


King Abdullah II calls upon Muslims to lead the fight against terrorism


“.@RandPaul tells reporters that he's readying a bill that would put a moratorium on refugees from up to 30 countries with jihadist movements”


The Paris attacks signal a new Islamist terror strategy, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.


Discussing foreign policy in the wake of the attack on Paris at a Democratic-candidate debate last night, Hillary Rodham Clinton gave the Republican Party a guide map to her defeat. A Republican ca...


Appearing as a guest during Sunday's live CNN coverage of the Paris terrorist attacks, CNN National Security Analyst Juliette Kayyem worried that, if the United States refuses to allow Syrian refugees into the country, that it would bolster "very right-wing elements" in Europe, leading the Europeans to "close their borders" to more refugees. At about 6:48 p.m., after arguing that it would be more difficult for an terrorist attack similar to Paris to happen in the U.S, because there is much more surveillance, she soon continued:


Gary Legum of Salon.com wrote the “antiabortionists” are upset with “perky newswoman” Katie Couric at Yahoo! because “she has dared to take her cameras inside a Planned Parenthood clinic, which looks like a fairly normal medical center and not the blood-soaked abattoir of dismembered baby limbs that conservatives just know it to be in their tiny blackened hearts.”


Under the plan, the limit on visas for refugees would be increased to 100,000 by 2017, a significant increase over the current annual cap of 70,000.


Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday that Texas would refuse Syrian refugees after a terrorist attack in Paris killed more than 120 people.


In a Friday interview with ABC’s Good Morning America, President Barack Obama denied that ISIS was gaining strength and said the U.S. had contained the terro...


President Obama showed a flash of anger Monday with Republican critics of his anti-terrorism strategy, saying he is “too busy” to engage in a rhetorical debate with them.


Campus radicals are often spoiled and self-dramatizing, but they also do have something to protest.


Recent events at Yale and the University of Missouri reflect disturbing twin trends across higher education.


Tomi Lahren's take on Chattanooga Shooting and Muslim infiltration of U.S. government, starting with Obama's failed leadership and traitorous behavior.


Even Liberals are Getting Sick and Tired of Our Liberal Government which makes one wonder if the political tides are turning...?


What corrupts politics more: Millionaires and billionaires? Or the rules that intend to limit the influence of wealthy donors? George Will, author and Pulitz...


House Speaker Paul Ryan said he supports allowing undocumented immigrants to remain in the U.S. without gaining citizenship, and that he doesn’t believe mass deportation, an idea promoted by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, is feasible.


President Obama walked in late Sunday on a moment of silence being held by world leaders in Turkey to honor the victims of Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris.


EXCLUSIVE--Sheriff Clarke: The 2nd Amendment Is The Constitution's Bastard Child


Ted Cruz's Pro-American Immigration Reform Plan Shows He's Not Marco Rubio


Conservative lawmakers who want to stop Muslim refugee resettlement have just weeks to convince Speaker Paul Ryan to do so.


Trump: If The French People 'Had Guns' Things Would've Ended Differently


The most basic, primitive honor a nation owes to its dead is to fight to defend itself—to defeat the enemy and win. And yet the West won’t.