
Rubio's support for sugar subsidies raises questions about whether his relationship with the Fanjuls is pushing him into positions that contradict his wider policy platform.


Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton will attempt to make herself appear popular and much loved during and after next week's Democratic presidential candidate debate by seeding Twitte


In The Wall Street Journal, Success Academy’s Eva Moskowitz writes: Our charter schools are guided by what I learned from a great public-school teacher: Distracted, misbehaving children aren’t learning.


On a trip to New Hampshire, US Senator Ted Cruz said he plans to hold the US Department of Veterans Affairs accountable.


In a stunning break with the Obama White House, the former secretary of state says she opposes the massive trade deal.


"Constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it."


The Baron de Montesquieu and his influence upon the US Constitution Charles-Louis de Secondat, the Baron de Montesquieu, was born in 1689 near the region of Bordeaux, France to a noble family, and ...


The "Fight For $15" minimum-wage campaign would actually push hourly pay to $18.55. Shifting social safety net costs to low-margin employers will likely backfire.


The fight for a wage of $15 an hour and for union rights for fast food workers continued Tuesday morning. Workers across the nation walked away from drive-th...


Sweden is wealthy, beautiful, and modern. But it has been compared to nations like the Soviet Union. One U.N. report says it will soon be a third-world nation.


Is the progressive left dicing the First Amendment to usher in an era of neo-segregation?


Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) posted a video clip on Facebook on Thursday from a live broadcast on the Iowa-based talk radio station WHO NewsRadio 1040 in which he can


Ben Carson blasted ongoing situations at his alma mater, Yale University, and at the University of Missouri.


Lawmakers want to make it easier for Brazilians to get weapons


Sonya Sasser offers 5 strong reasons to support Sen. Ted Cruz as President of the United States.


Ann Coulter comments on the candidates vying for the GOP nomination at last night's Fox Business debate.


For the last several years, starting long before I was appointed auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, I've been posting short commentaries on YouTube. I've covered movies, music, books, cultural trends and more. But I've given special attention to New Atheism, a social and political movement that began in the early years of this century that promotes the view that religion should be actively countered. Among other videos, I've published three answers to Christopher Hitchens' book “God Is Not Great,” a brief presentation of some classical arguments for God's existence, and a rejoinder to Bill Maher's movie “Religulous.”


The long-distance skirmishing illustrated the degree to which several Republican candidates see immigration as the most potent weapon in the presidential contest.


Obama On Military Veterans: "I Feel Terrible For Them - They Fought And Died For A Lie"


Dr. Ben Carson gives his reaction to the GOP Fox Business Debate


It’s doubtful Trump can even name a U.S. trade negotiator, much less judge their intelligence, but the Donald is right about one thing regarding the trade pact.


Republican leaders and donors fear nominating either outsider, but are paralyzed about how to defeat them.


More at http://www.LouderWithCrowder.com What #SJW Liberals believe that First Amendment to truly mean. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Li...