
Democrats are trying to repeal Obamacare’s “Cadillac tax” on health insurance, in a move that would add more than “one dime” to the federal deficit.


GOP Presidential candidate Rand Paul, talks Black wealth loss, jobs, Entrepreneurship and criminal justice reform with Roland Martin on NewsOne Now.


David Cameron's FAKE EU Re-Negotiations Won't End Well For Him Become A Patron - https://www.patreon.com/UKIPPERS?ty=h Donations: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-...


"You've already paid your dues," Carson told a cheering crowd. "There have probably been more patriotic Puerto Ricans than any other state."


Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.


Classy… especially for an elected official of a major US city. Houston Mayor Annise Parker had a hissy fit on Twitter after the transgender ordinance she was pushing was defeated.


Marco Rubio gives a textbook example of how to respond to a gotcha question and win.


Dozens of falsehoods have been found in the president's biographies...


Can you imagine a society where any time you say something offensive online, someone can call the cops on you and have you possibly thrown in jail for it?


When Donald Trump hosted "Saturday Night Live" in 2004, he held forth in multiple sketches, like a spoof of "Regis and Kathie Lee" and a fake ad for "Donald Trump's House of Wings." In 2015, the sh...


The Maronite patriarch of Antioch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, has contended that Muslims have a clear strategy to take over Europe.


"There's a lot of disappointment in Bush's performance," says one.


Last week was one of those quiet Election Days where, on the surface, nothing much happened. But the “nothing much” might actually be something. We may have seen voters begin to pump the brakes on runaway liberalism.


Earlier this week we reported on the death of Jeremy Mardis, the six-year-old boy who was tragically killed after being shot by marshals in Ma...


Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson said his political opponents are desperate to tear him down and are feeding erroneous stories to the press — but said he will not provide the names of friends who could corroborate his childhood stories.


The anti-mass immigration Alternativ fuer Deutschland (AfD) party held a rally in the German capital Berlin this afternoon, demanding the resignation of Chancellor Angela Merkel and calling for the country to adopt a strong policy on immigration.


"The U.S. Public Becoming Less Religious," reads the headline from the new Pew Poll Religion in America series. The share of Americans who profess to believe in God has dropped from 92 to 89 percent since the Pew Research Center conducted its last Landscape Study in 2007. That said, the U.S. is still home to the highest percentage of believers in any advanced nation in the world.


A fascinating new look at the cultural differences between the 11 nations that make up North America.


If the Black Lives Matter crowd is correct, bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking. “Every 28 hou...


When a president starts sounding like a used car salesperson to defend a trade deal, you know he's trying to sell something really sketchy.


Politico's editorial staff on Friday conceded that entire basis of attack on GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson was invented out of whole cloth.


“Conservatives can win when they refuse to be bullied by elites into silence.”


Cultural Marxists were dealt a blow in Houston this week, but all thats likely to do is steel their resolve all the more.