
In a very emotional interview with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC this afternoon, Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, one of the four killed in the Benghazi consulate attack in September 2012, explained how last week's Congressional hearing did not give her closure or satisfy her in anyway. Smith said she didn't learn anything new from the hearing and expressed her outrage at Hillary Clinton for not giving an explanation as to why her son was "sacrificed."
"You can't understand," she told Mitchell about losing an only child. "My only child was murdered and no one has told me why."


The senator from Vermont is running a tremendously important, issues-based campaign. It's also a losing one


On the same day that President Obama announced he was taking taxpayers on a two-year-long “debt holiday” as part of a new budget deal that will raise the national debt past $20 trillion, the president flew to Chicago to take care of some of his own campaign debt.


Bill O’Reilly Compares Trump’s Small Million Dollar Loan Comment To Hillary’s Dead Broke Comment..


One of the primary drivers of the debate is a single issue: immigration.


Last week, the media hailed Hillary Clinton's supposed political triumph at a hearing of the House Select Committee on Benghazi concerning the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2012 that ended in the murder of four Americans, including American ambassado


Isn't it just great that the liberal establishment views Hillary Clinton's testimony in the Benghazi hearings in terms of performance art rather than substance?


Hillary Clinton told a mixed audience, “I mean, if we’re honest, for a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still


In Philadelphia, the May Democratic primary officially was an election to nominate the candidates for Mayor, City Council, row offices and local courts. Unofficially, it was a feeding frenzy.


Paul made the same move in 2011, the first time that the debt limit became a serious bargaining chip between Congress and President Obama.


FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailMark Levin opened his show tonight blasting Boehner and McConnell for meeting behind closed doors in private meetings with the White House to hammer out this horrible budg…


FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailTed Cruz released this statement today in response to McConnell and Boeher’s budget deal with Obama, calling it a slap in the face for conservatives and a victory fo…


OLIVEHURST-- A 12-year-old honor student at Yuba Gardens Intermediate school received a dress code violation, but many are wondering if the school overreacted. This back-to-school season, Lori Carp...


Melania Knauss-Trump, Lacena "Candy" Carson, Jeanette Dousdebes Rubio and Heidi Nelson Cruz are the women behind the candidates at the head of the 2016 Republican presidential pack.


The internet was born open, but is rapidly becoming closed. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the rush to shutter readers' comments sections at major news organisations.


Here we can see what Obama does for a living, tell lies. Carson2016!


James Comey – not Bernie Sanders -- is the biggest challenge to Hillary Clinton’s pres


Richard Dawkins has waded into the increasingly shrill argument over Dr. Germaine Greer's views on transgendered people.


Wayne LaPierre says no organization has been louder or clearer on the urgent need to enforce the federal gun laws than the NRA.


Ex Aussie PM Tony Abbott delivered a firm lecture on European nations' responsibilities towards their populations, talking on migration and defence


On Monday, University of Mississippi Police Department officers took down the state flag, yielding to those who argued that the standard’s Confederate battle flag in one corner made it unfit to display. The flag was furled and saved in the university's archives.


PBS host Charlie Rose on Monday night embraced many of Bernie Sanders’s positions and announced that the socialist’s positions are “not radical.” At first, the journalist suggested the Democratic candidate not use the label when campaigning: “I'm the first person trying to argue you away from the idea that you're a socialist.”


Israel Public Security Minister: “Citizens trained to use weapons are a multiplying force in our battle against terrorism”