Renowned physicist and self-described Democrat Freeman Dyson said President Obama is wrong about global warming.
Asked by Bloomberg Television how Americans might trust him to keep them safe, the Republican presidential front-runner bristled at the mention of Bush's role as comforter-in-chief after 9/11.
It's not that he isn't conservative enough.
Mo Rocca does some digging into the Reagan wit and uncovers a treasure trove of jokes - many written by the man himself - in a very humorous look back on a p...
CNN failed in their recent effort to promote an online fundraiser for ‘Clock Boy’ Ahmed Mohamed.
Assyrian Christians living in Sweden have been targeted with a string of threatening messages linked to the Islamic State, including demands that they “convert or die.” A recent report by Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter revealed that the Assyrian community in the city of Gothenburg, in southwestern Sweden, is being menaced by unidentified aggressors using known Islamic State methods and symbols. According to reports, local police are investigating the threats, but so far have found nothing. The town of Gothenburg is a hotbed for jihadist recruiting, and the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet earlier this year reported that at least 150 people had left the city to join the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Terrorism expert Magnus Ranstorp has called Gothenburg“the Swedish Center for Jihadists,” and the town with a population of a half million has contributed more fighters to ISIS than the entire United States of America. On Tuesday, Swedish Assyrian Markus Samuelsson found the walls of his restaurant in Gothenburg covered in jihadist graffiti, including messages of “Convert or Die” and “The Caliphate is Here.” These same messages, along with the ISIS logo and the Arabic letter ن, were painted on the walls of the Le Pain François bakery and the next-door pizzeria as well, though other, non-Assyrian owned [...]
David Pisarra explains how men are trained not to hit back, then shamed for not defending themselves.
The Obergefell decision's sloppy legal reasoning can be used to support the recognition of other fundamental rights to government benefits.
Business has been booming in Bozeman High School's cafeteria since its board members voted to drop the National School Lunch Program in a bid to keep students from leaving campus to eat.
A responsible media would expose the Left's false moral equivalence between Israeli self-defense and Palestinian terrorism. The one we’ve got propagates it instead.
H/t to the Washington Free Beacon. Hillary Clinton today came out in favor of a gun confiscation program. She said a gun buy back program "would be worth considering on a national level" like Australia put in place. There's just one catch. Australia's program was mandatory. Citizens in Australia were given no choice but to hand over their weapons at a price point set by | Read More »
It's an Obamacare story with every imaginable outrage -- blatant conflicts of interest, millions of tax dollars going to political cronies, thousands of Americans left without health insurance, lavish
On Real Time with Bill Maher, the conversation quickly turned contentious regarding the candidacy of Secretary Hillary Clinton. The panel — comprised of blog...
The Espionage Act calls for a 10-year prison term for anyone who fails to tell his or her 'superior officer' when a security breach occurs through 'gross negligence' – a legal term for 'carelessness.'
Black Lives Matter and pro-illegal alien Latino activists screamed and interrupted the Trump rally in Richmond on Wednesday. It was ...
"Regulations actually benefited the regulated industry at the expense of consumers." Watch as Susan Dudley explains who really benefits from regulations and ...
The state gets its mitts into pretty much everything. Statists love taking advantage of this fact to give the state credit for things the free market is resp...
The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting to try curbing the deadly violence between Israelis and Palestinians Friday, hours after a Palestinian disguised as a journalist stabbed and wounded an Israeli soldier.
A suspended Georgia Tech fraternity is fighting back against accusations of racial slurs by its members.
But is there more to it?
In a contentious interview with Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer on Friday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell fretted over Israeli police killing knife-wielding Palestinian terrorists: “What about the possibility of excessive force?” Dermer responded: “Andrea, if someone was coming at you with a knife, would you want the police officer to take out a knife and to try to stop him or would you want that police officer to shoot that person before he would attack you?” Mitchell proclaimed: “Not shoot to kill.”
The 14-year-old American who was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school has met Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.
Democratic Party Leadership Going All-In On Socialist Future For America...
CBS has refused to run advertising for Truth, the film starring Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford that revisits a painful episode in the network's past involving a discredited 2004 news story on former President George W. Bush's military service record.