Parents: Have an athletic son or daughter? Do you encourage him to play to his highest level of excellence? Do you spend time and money making sure she can reach her potential? Well according to The Washington Post, you’re being really unfair to my slow fat kid. Yes, to its horror the Post has once again discovered that life isn’t fair. It seems participation in youth sports is down and writer Michael S. Rosenwald knows the culprit: parents. Specifically, parents “in the suburbs, where the shift to elite competition over the past two decades has taken a growing toll: Children are playing fewer sports, and the less talented are left behind in recreational leagues with poor coaching, uneven play and the message that they aren’t good enough.”
They really are coming for your guns . . . After the Charleston church shootings, President Obama praised Australia's draconian gun laws, which included a mandatory buy-back program, AKA confiscation. On today's Morning Joe, Mika wondered "why" we couldn't institute a similar gun ban in the United States, throwing in support for a database of all gun ownership for good measure. Joe Scarborough was actually obliged to explain to Mika that her gun ban was never going to happen because we have the Second Amendment here. That left Mika grimacing in regret [see the screengrab].
Vanderbilt's Women's Center tells men how to be men at 'Healthy Masculinities Week.'
The Los Angeles Times has labeled the Oregon shooter as having "white supremacist leanings" even though the shooter was black. The shooter identified as "mixed race" and reportedly had a black mother. Quoting an alleged anonymous source in law enforcement, the paper wrote, "A federal law enforcement source familiar with the investigation said, though, that authorities had obtained some of Harper-Mercer's writings, as well as a note he left behind, suggesting that he supported white-supremacist causes and opposed organized religion. He also liked to discuss military history, the official said."
It turns out the "one-in-five number" is correct, but it's not the one-in-five the media are reporting.
Any attempt to address mass incarceration has to begin with an effort to tackle crime—and the social conditions linked to its rise.
Russia's bombing of American allies in Syria underlines how much more powerful and provocative Putin is than he was before Obama took office
New York Daily News: State Department Must Designate The NRA A Terrorist Organization
Active-duty military troops far out-earn their civilian counterparts when compared to civilians with similar education.
Three big casino companies that run glittering resorts on the Las Vegas Strip are trying to break free from Nevada’s electric power monopoly.
Judge Pirro: Obama 'Pathetically' Giving Up US as World Super Power, Letting Putin Take Over
A newly-formed coalition is hoping to prevent Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from becoming the next speaker of the House. <!--[endif]-->
Trump said the U.S. cities with the toughest laws have the biggest problems.
News that men are too fearful of a trip to HR to help out their female colleagues is final proof that the gender equality project has backfired, writes Martin Daubney
Anatoly Anisimov is still wistful about the cow barn he’d planned to build. With the latest Swedish milking machines, it would have cut his costs and boosted by 40 percent the size of the herd at the state-owned farm that he runs outside Moscow.
The upcoming U.S. Supreme Court might produce big victories for the court's conservatives, a contrast to last term's liberal-leaning decisions.
CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white. Chris was the son of Ian ...
The Swedes see the welfare systems failing them. Swedes have had to get used to the government prioritizing refugees and migrants above native Swedes. "There are no apartments, no jobs, we don't dare go shopping anymore [without a gun], but we're
Some people say technology is the driver of innovation, but society often takes great steps in prosperity by trading. Like technological shifts over history,...
Naomi Klein’s anti-capitalist vision for the future may allow for only a few lucky high-flyers.
Liberals tend to blame the gun lobby for blocking new regulations, but they dismiss firearm owners’ fear of government at their own political peril.
Last week, I had a firsthand experience with campus intolerance when some Canadian college students decided they didn't want me speaking at their school.
Is disrupting their lives for a year over social media requests and an errant look fair punishment?