
A veteran who is also a student at Umpqua Community College told Breitbart News that he was about 200 yards away from the shooting, but couldn't get there in time to do so. He acknowledged that he has a concealed carry permit and said he wasn't concerned about the fact that he wasn't supposed to have a gun on the campus.


A gunman singled out Christians, telling them they would see God in “one second,” during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday that left at least nine innocent people dead and several more wounde...


This week, Politico released on article suggesting that Ted Cruz has lost the trust of his peers, save for libertarian-leaning Mike Lee, who chimed in to his defense. The comments on the article, most


The autumn of Trump isn’t quite as “high energy” as the summer of Trump. While The Donald continues to lead in most national polls, his support has fallen since the second Republican presidential d?


San Diego State College Republicans ask SDSU to change its on-campus housing code to allow Old Glory to fly.


FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailMark Levin blasted McConnell tonight article came out in Politico that explained how McConnell has worked against and ‘quarantined’ Ted Cruz from the rest of t…


Our society is transforming from an orderly republic into a wild and radical democracy.


While markets suffer over the Fed's rate hike rhetoric, Trump claims to have all the answers to the country's economic woes and masterfully uses publicity to...


The gunman who opened fire at Oregon's Umpqua Community College singled out Christians, according to the father of a wounded student. Before going into spinal surgery, Anastasia Boylan told her fat...


Turns out the Donald really needed the press.


Governor Chris Christie explains his plan to regulate immigration using fingerprint technology.


Chilling: Netanyahu Glares at UN Delegates for 45 Seconds for Their 'Deafening Silence' on Iran Deal
Imagine what they will do after the sanctions are lifted.


At least 10 people have been killed in a shooting at Umpqua Community College in the US state of Oregon, US media report.


After five years, two midterm disasters, and a rollout that reminded Americans why they fell out of love with big government in the 1970s, reality has finally begun to dawn on some Democrats about Obamacare. With open enrollment about to start and a third straight round of premium spikes about to hit voters’ pockets, the Democrats’ leading presidential candidate has offered a “major break” with the Obama administration on its signature domestic policy achievement. Hillary Clinton will speak out against the so-called Cadillac tax on high-coverage health care plans, as early as this week, according to The New York Times.


A grim-faced an emotional President Obama spoke out Thursday after the massacre at an Oregon college -- lamenting that mass killings have become “routine” in the United States and blasting those who oppose tougher gun laws.
“I hope and pray that I don’t have to come out again in my tenure as...


"...that will be the end of the world."


Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina have been attacking each other’s business records—which is sort of like a fight between asbestos and thalidomide, i.e., sad and pointless.


Early Thursday, a gunman opened fire on campus at an Oregon community college, killing 13 people and injuring at least 20. Every time a mass shooting happens, society is understandably shocked, saddened and outraged at the lives lost due to unneeded violence. But the liberal media took this a step further, from using the tragic situation to blame the NRA and the Constitution to trying to take away a right that many Americans hold so dear. Take a look below at some of the actual demands made by the liberal media immediately after the shooting on Twitter.


This is a serious allegation...


Forget the Common Core, Finland’s youngsters are in charge of determining what happens in the classroom.


Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the Republican Party has shifted much further right than the rest of the country — and GOP leaders must get its fringe members in line. During an appearance at the Washington Ideas Forum on Wednesday, Powell said it “should be obvious to party leaders that


I am the only presidential candidate to have published an alternative to ObamaCare.