Declaring a subject or a question a distraction has become Clinton’s favorite way of dodging questions.
“During the ’90s, I was subjected to the same kind of barrage,” she says.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel was overheard confronting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over incendiary posts on the social network.
Earlier this summer, we learned the Pentagon’s inspector general is investigating allegations that the intelligence on ISIS was manipulated. Analysts at U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida, formally complained to the IG that analysis contradicting the Obama administration’s narrative on ISIS was routinely challenged, rewritten, or disregarded. The administration was eager to sell the story that the campaign against ISIS was going well; much of the intelligence made clear it wasn’t. That intelligence was buried, and the happy talk continued.
Billionaire Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump told 60 Minutes he would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with a private plan that would “cover everybody” and
In 1900, Argentina and the US were equally wealthy, but then one of them chose capitalism and the other chose protectionism and socialism.
This video is a response to Sargon of Akkad's video named "The False Narrative of the Working Poor" here https://youtu.be/VXQ8Wdhucdw Click here to learn how...
Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi told interviewer Jake Tapper that the controversial undercover videos by the activists at Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood doctors negotiating prices for fetal tissue are not real:
Why did politicians cut a trivial amount of money in the recent budget agreement? Prof. Ben Powell explains why politicians don't cut spending, as a general ...
In a massive coincidence, every single Hillary Clinton staffer and surrogate who watched her Meet the Press interview had the exact same thoughts.
I never thought Donald Trump would run for president. If he did run, I didn’t think he would gain any support, and if he did gain any support, I didn’t think it would last. I thought all polls woul...
The so-called “progressives” love to talk about how their policies will create a worker’s paradise, but then why is it that day after day, month after month, year after year, people are fleeing liberal blue states for conservative red states?
Rand Paul stated that he will oppose Mitch McConnell on the CR, but didn't offer his support to McConnell staying as majority leader
Donald J. Trump unveiled his plan Monday to reshape and simplify the federal tax code, calling for the elimination of taxes on low-income individuals and families, ending the “death tax” and reducing taxes on businesses.
Many of the 18 Democratic mayors asking President Barack Obama to send more Syrian refugees to their cities are facing homeless crises. New federal data, The Washington Post reports, reveals that t
This morning on Inside Politics, CNN’s Manu Raju contended that tactics, not ideology or policy preferences is what doomed Boehner as Speaker of the House.
On Meet the Press this morning, Chuck Todd interviewed Carly Fiorina and began by accusing her of citing a video of a born-alive fetus termination that did not exist.
Of the five types of Republican candidates for President, four don't support states' rights. Instead, they support the status quo of federal government power.
In The Wall Street Journal, Fred Barnes and Morton Kondracke write about the former New York congressman Jack Kemp as a model for Republicans in 2016.
Nearly 9 million people gained insurance last year, a win for “Obamacare” as the president?s signature health care law expanded Medicaid and opened health insurance exchanges. And yet, 33 million A?
In a new viral video starring Bill Nye, the famed ?Science Guy? declares that laws protecting ?unborn people? are ?based on ignorance? and reflect ?a deep scientific lack of understanding.? He also says that if you support such laws, you ?literally or apparently literally don?t know what you’re talking about.?ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Nye?s video was released [?]
Regulators will shut down Health Republic Insurance of New York, the largest of the nonprofit cooperatives created under the Affordable Care Act, in the latest sign of the financial pressures facing insurers in the law’s new marketplaces.
In 2013, the government shut down. It was the first shutdown since 1996 and the media, who has no memory of anything existing before 2000 (and that's being generous), freaked out like you wouldn't believe. Of course, it doesn't take someone with an encyclopedic knowledge of history to realize that shutdowns have been used quite often and quite frequently with little to no negative effect | Read More »