
Senator Rand Paul came on Fox News to talk with Gretchen Carlson to talk about the Kentucky clerk that was jailed because she refused to issue a marriage lic...


Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses in defense of her faith, received support from a highly unlikely source this past weekend: Madonna's openly gay brother Christopher Ciccone. Writing on his Facebook page Saturday, Ciccone accused the gay community of being "sore winners" in the battle for same-sex marriage and said it hypocritical of them to force Kim Davis to violate her religious beliefs:


A new gun control proposal from Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine is a de facto ban on all private gun sales in the U.S.


The author of a "Best American" poem was not who he appeared to be. Should it have been published?


Vice President Dick Cheney opposes the Iran nuclear deal. If his reasoning sounds familiar, it's because we've heard it from him before on the Iraq war.


If Obama doesn’t give Congress all required materials, he can’t lift sanctions.


Hillary Clinton told ABC News' David Muir Tuesday that she was sorry for her private email server, a departure from what the 2016 candidate has said previously.


During the Great Depression, up to 2 million Mexicans and Mexican-Americans were expelled from the U.S. Research suggests that more than half were U.S.-born citizens.


Tennessee parents are voicing their concerns about a middle school history assignment in which students were asked to write "Allah is the only God."


ISIS recruits shouts " Allah Akbar" in Immigrant trains going to Germany


No porn allowed in the camp, and no fighting either!


Both the men and women in the task force also reported a break down in unit cohesion and unequal treatment from their peers.


Do you feel it? There’s something in the air. It’s called “We’re tired and we aren’t going to take it anymore!” It’s spreading across the United States and it’s about time. It’s no longer politics as usual. Love him or hate him, presidential candidate Donald Trump has changed...


Three illegal immigrants were arraigned Tuesday on charges related to the killing of a 17-year-old high school student in Loudoun County.


Donald Trump may be the most sensible Republican in the race, at least on foreign policy.


In a sports world full of hot takes, liberal and noted anti-football writer Steve Almond went full supernova. Earlier this week on NPR in a bout of liberal lunacy that I could not have concocted if I had summoned all of my lib-mocking powers (and they are quite formidable), Steve Almond made the case that it was football that killed Michael Brown and Eric Garner. No, really.


The debate rages on as to whether Donald Trump represents the essence of the Republican party. Very broadly speaking, conservatives say he doesn’t and liberals say he does. One liberal, Michael Tomasky, claims that Trump, despite his left-of-center positions on several fiscal and economic issues, nonetheless embodies the “two qualities more than any others [that] have driven conservatism in our time.” The first quality, wrote Tomasky in the September 24 issue of The New York Review of Books, “is cultural and racial resentment…The second is what we might call spectacle—the unrelenting push toward a rhetorical style ever more gladiatorial and ever more outraged…Trump is conservative resentment and spectacle made flesh.”


Does Donald Trump’s popularity among Republicans indicate that a big part of the GOP base is more authoritarian than it is conservative? Yes, suggested Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas in a Friday post. “The crazies don't really care about any conservative platform, they just want someone to reflect their own bigotries and xenophobia, all the while telling the weenies to fuck off,” wrote Kos. “They'd be just as excited if it was Hulk Hogan playing the role.” He remarked that Trump has a flair for “the kind of braggadocio that appeals to the conservative lizard brain” and concluded, “Remember how hot Vladmir Putin made conservatives? Donald Trump is the GOP's homegrown Vladimir Putin.”


Many top aides and lawmakers in the House do not believe John Boehner will run for another term as House leader in 2017.


Democrats struggled Tuesday for the votes to block a disapproval resolution against the Iran nuclear deal as one undecided senator announced a surprise no vote shortly after lawmakers returned from a five-week summer recess.


Whether covered in the garb of democracy or not, Bernie Sanders believes in the fallacy that central planners can outdo private decisions of the free market.


OPINION | The movement is fast becoming its own worst enemy.