
One of the emails that triggered the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s server contained classified intelligence from three different agencies, Fox News has learned – which could mean the State Department violated a President Obama-signed executive order by authorizing its release.


Real Estate mogul and TV personality Katrina Campins just gave the best defense of Donald Trump's immigration plan EVER! Campins was on CNN after Trump's Iow...


No doubt Donald Trump would be a bad president, as they all are -- though his observation that the Iraq war was a disaster, and that while Saddam kept terror...


How many people have been diverted from the workforce thanks to our welfare system?


A radical Seventh Circuit Court decision, United States vs. Meza-Rodriguez, would give criminal aliens Second Amendment rights they do not deserve.


Donald Trump keeps rolling along, with new polls (caveat: polls stink) showing him far ahead of the GOP pack in the early primary states of New Hampshire and South Carolina. Not content with the ev...


McAuliffe said "there are too many guns in the hands of people" who shouldn't own them and "I've long advocated for background checks"


The Hillary Clinton campaign has hired a former Planned Parenthood organizer to rally support from Asian Americans.


Adviser to parliamentary speaker rejects British foreign secretary’s suggestion that Rouhani indicating ‘more nuanced approach’ to Jewish state


Mika Brzezinski said that "Just like Fox" Jorge Ramos was lecturing Donald Trump, not asking him questions.


South Carolina's GOP is asking for a pledge to support the eventual nominee, something Donald Trump has not yet done.


Police are looking for a suspect who apparently opened fire on WDBJ7 photographer Adam Ward and WDBJ7 reporter Alison Parker.


THE RIGHT SCOOP: Mark Levin opened his show tonight ripping ESPN for suspending Curt Schilling over the fact that he compared Muslims terrorists to Nazis.Levin wants to know what is


Carly Fiorina says July polls should not dominate the presidential candidates' September popularity indexes or determine which ones get invited to the next Republican debate.


He talks a good game about how tough he will be on China as president. But his record as governor of Wisconsin suggests a softer, cozier policy.


People blaming multinational corporations for America's problems.... I have something to say about this... Maybe they should look into a mirror. I blame corp...


Fox News chief intel correspondent Catherine Herridge revealed that


The deadline is crucial for Congress, which must approve an increase to avoid default.


Ted Cruz was asked tonight the same question BillO asked Trump last night, if he would deport two illegal parents who have children that are American Citizens. But Cruz refused to answer it the way...


Ted Cruz accused Megyn Kelly of asking "the question every mainstream media liberal journalist wants to ask"


Larry king interviews Donald Trump at the 1988 republican convention


The 7th Circuit Court sees no way "to carve out the Second Amendment and say that the unauthorized (or maybe all noncitizens) are excluded."


The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) has accelerated its demolition and looting of antiquities in Syria, reports The New York Times (NYT).