
"First of all, of course..."


Has Donald Trump really backed away from the gigantic wealth tax he proposed over a decade ago? In 1999, Trump supported a one-time 14.25 percent tax on wealthy Americans and trusts over $10 millio


Did high school ever feel somewhat like a prison? Did it ever feel like being in a machine that had its own purposes and goals separate from yours? This feel...


As the Nixon administration prosecuted the Vietnam War, American citizens enacted a bizarre psychic reversal.


August 11, 2015: 2016 GOP Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump gives an explosive speech at a rally in Birch Run, MI on Tuesday, August 11, 2015. The Donald...


Campaign-style pressure tactics have no place in this debate.


Colorado Letter To The Editor Predicted EPA Spill - Motive: So EPA Could Secure Superfund Status....
This is interesting. Last week, a small EPA-supervised work crew inspecting the Gold King mine in Colorado "accidentally" knocked a hole in a waste pit, releasing at least three million gallons of...


If Tehran continues along this strategy, one can expect an impasse regarding future inspections.


The recent letter of support sent to President Obama for his Iran deal secured last month – signed......


[Ed. Note: Here's a little "diabolical ventriloquism" from C. S. Lewis. He means to have some tongue-in-cheek fun with modern-day educrats. What he ends giving us is a devastating critique of publi...


College students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education.


CNN Host Can't Understand Why Carly Doesn't Like Obamacare Since She Had Cancer. So She Schooled Him
"Didn't your experience show you that..."


Was Megyn Kelly’s performance “good journalism”? Here are her questions, evaluated one by one.


There are stunning new claims from the defense attorneys representing the six police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray.


MP3 Download: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3046/the-truth-about-bernie-sanders Bernie Sanders is a Democratic candidate for President of the United States. S...


and not in the Michelle Obama-esque "let's move" way.


The 'Three Little Anteaters' just doesn't sound right.


Donald Trump is a stooge for Hillary Clinton. He's a plant. He's a ringer to sink the chances of Republican candidates who actually have a chance of defeatin...


U.S. Sen. Rand Paul started a three-day stay in New Hampshire with an appearance at a Politics & Eggs breakfast Tuesday morning.


Hack Conceptual Artist Tracey Emin kisses up to UK Prime Minister David Cameron - "What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say." -Ralph Waldo Emerson - If you don't understand the desir...


Lois Lerner’s political beliefs led to tea party and conservative groups receiving disparate and unfair treatment when applying for non-profit status, according to a detailed report compiled by the Senate Finance Committee.
Because of Lerner’s bias, only one conservative political advocacy organization was granted tax exempt status over a period of more than three years:
“Due to the circuitous process implemented by Lerner, only one conservative political advocacy organization was granted tax-exempt status between February 2009 and May 2012.


The real reason Fox News gave in decided to play nice with Donald Trump is that they were flooded with criticism from their viewers after Megyn Kelly went after the top Republican candidate.


CBS news exposes the real story of Hillary Clintons 1996 trip to Bosnia.